RubyTuesday, I believe you mean well, honest I do, but I've had more than enough "well meaning" friends explain how to get a balanced body and brain chemistry with diet and excercise. And I'm really glad to know that this works for some... but of course not all who try it.
The WTS used to publish articles like the ones you mentioned. They oversimplifyed in order to down play the seriousness of depression. Depression of any kind ESPECIALLY in children (as your links related to childhood depression) should be acknowledged as the illness it is, whether caused by genetics, diet, or environment.
Biology is a funny thing. Some patients react well to say, Wellbutrin, while others developed severe reactions to that medicine. The population of children on zoloft have also had serious reactions. I wonder why anyone would continue a treatment which has obviously negative results? I apply this to the "diet and excercise" gurus as well as those practioners of naturopathy(sp?). Many of whom I have at one time or another followed.
Of course, certain sugar related diseases have no cure. I'm thinking of diabetes. Diabetes is at epidemic proportions now in the US. Some is Type 2 and others are Type 1(hereditary; often affecting young children). W/O a pancreas transplant this disease has no known cure, yet. The geneticists are giving us some hope... but who knows?
I developed autoimmune chronic urticaria about 5 yrs ago. The first year I spent on steroids; gained 100lbs and developed type 2 diabetes. When I sweat my hives bloom like crazy and my bronchial tubes swell so I need a machine to breathe for me. When I'm good and stay on my diabetic diet I have horrid headaches and NO energy (which is the opposite to what's supposed to happen).
No cure for diabetes, no cure for chronic urticaria and no cure for chronic depression.
Again, I know you probably meant well. But you are (maybe) still young enough to think that you will have the simple solutions that all young super humans believe in, I hope you are able to keep that optimism when everything doesn't work out.