Ok so I'm talking to my kid (4) today about Martin Luther King and the importance of the things that he believed in. He is in preschool and they also talked about MLK in school apparently which I think is great. I asked him what he learned about MLK and he said he that he was a 'special man because he cared about people and he said it didnt matter what they looked like'. Great..wonderful...I'm thrilled that my son is learning things like this at a young age.
THEN, he proceeds to go on for the next 10 minutes about how someone got a gun and shot and killed MLK DEAD! Excuse me!? Am I wrong to be pissed that my sons PRESCHOOL teacher had to tell him this? I dont think that at 4 it was really necessary to focus on that part of history. I think we should give the kids a little time to enjoy life before we start bombarding them with reality for cryin out loud. My son was emotionally disturbed because he kept saying 'when is Dr King going to be alive again?'. I have not had and was not ready to have a conversation about death with my child yet and I'm kinda pissed at his teacher for forcing on me when I wasnt ready. Why not focus on the good things that MLK did and leave it at that?
Maybe I havent yet fully shed the JW mentality but I dont allow him to view violence on TV so this is the first time hes been aware of a gun causing someone to die. I just dont think kids his age need to know about how violent the world really is. I dont think his teacher should have taken it upon herself to assume that 3-4 year old kids are ready to hear about death by gunfire.
Am I wrong? Overreacting? Nieve?