It was during the drought when alberta and sask were in bad shape for hay.My husband was promised 100 bales (this was before the drought).When my husband was ready for the hay the Elder said he couldnt have any ,In the field there were trucks picking up hay which he sold for double the price.So here we were with no promised hay to feed 32 horses.Does anyone else have a story?
Mean things that Elders have done
by galaxy7 28 Replies latest jw friends
They beat people up, steal from them, hurt them, abuse them, crap on them, smack them around, and steal their horses. Then they steal food and beer.
Say they care when they don't.
Lady Lee
OMG Don't get me started!!!
I got the inquisition when I was DFed. They wanted details of my rape. Details of my husband's abuse. Nitty gritty nasty details of everything. It was sadistic.
5 years later when I was so low from the shunning and asked to be reinstated the elder I talked to (who I used to see as a father figure) out-right told me my abusing husband had done nothing wrong when we were married and that he didn't remember the ex telling them about how he had abused me.
When I went to the meeting to begin the process of being re-instated this same elder saw me come in and at the last minute arranged for my ex to read the WT and say the prayer. How low-down. He made it clear that the ex (wife and child abuser) was valued while I was crap.
I walked out and never went back
Shortly after I was DFed my youngest daughter who was living with me (because both girls were fed up with his abuse) wanted to go to the District Convention in another city. She would still go to meetings with her father but didn't want to stay with him because of the abuse. Well I called this elder and asked if there was some way to arrange for someone to take her and I would pay. He responded that my child's life was in my hands (what about her father!!!!) and it was my responsibility to take her click
She was 10 years old and wanted to go but didn't want to be abused and they wouldn't help
In retrospect their nastiness turned out good because both girls decided they wanted nothing to do with the JWs and they both decided this on their own
My sister was DF'd and not going to the meetings and I had brought her 10 yr. old daughter with me to the meeting. My neice loved to comment at the watchtower study. I helped her with the answers. She raised her hand a couple of times to answer but they never called on her. She was upset but I told her that maybe they didn't see her hand since she was so little( I said that to ease her hurt). After the meeting an elder came to me and asked if that was my sisters child? I answered yes she was, He informed me that b/c her mother was DF'd that she could not answer at the meetings. My neice overheard and started crying. I never brought her back and I changed congregations. How can they be so cruel to such little children?
Lady Lee
OMG KK that is too sad. I know that my girls were shunned by all their JW friends after I was DFed despite the fact they were living with their father instead of me and still going to meetings and trying to do the right thing.
Just know that in the long run it is a protection for those young ones. They will remember the lack of love --- a good innoculation against the dubs I think
Wow, these stories are horrific. :( I am glad I have nothing that awful to offer. Only thing they've done to us is shun my husband when he is with me (damn wordly girls, ruin those good little dubs) even though he is not DF/DA'ed. I thought that was pretty nasty.
One of the elders on the committee that DF'd me (because they believed my then-wife's lies and exaggerations) called me EVIL and A COWARD, because I wouldn't answer to the lies. And his fellow elders didn't object to that abusive talk.
Reminds me of the evil slave scripture, where Jesus said the evil slave would beat up & abuse their brother.
REVEAL CONFIDENTIAL STUFF. Tell other memebers of the cong about private stuff that puts pubs in a bad light before others perpetually casusing the bro to be ruined. Courageously and righteously anounce before the cong serious wrong doing about fellow pubs but coward out when it hits home or when it touches them
I could go on and on with so many mean things elders did like my unfair df'ing, covering for the pedo that abused my kid etc.......but I won't.
Yet this one thing is really embedded in my mind though, the words cutting straight to my heart, and I'll never forget the feeling they left me with.
When I went for my 2nd attempt to get reinstated one of the elders said to me "Jehovah doesn't want you back yet!"
Loving hey?????????
Cheers, Bliss