New Poll : Trump 51% Approval Rating

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • jp1692

    This just in:

    According to an exclusive Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll, April 19, 1019, only: “37 percent of adults in the United States approved of Trump’s performance in office.”

    This is down from 40 percent in a similar poll conducted on April 15 and matching the lowest level of the year.

    In other words, almost 2/3rds of Americans do not approve of Trump’s performance in office!

  • jp1692

    That’s April 19, 2019!

    By the time I noticed my typo it was too late to edit.

  • sparky1

    Today, Rasmussen has President Trump at 47%. Exactly where President Obama was on this day in 2011.

  • Finkelstein

    President Trump at 47%. Exactly where President Obama was on this day in 2011.

    Which is surprising being that they are polar opposites in so many ways.

    Rumor has it that Trump wants to run again in 2020 so that he can stay in office and not get legally charged with crimes like the people who he surrounded himself with have.

    He striving to be the Teflon POTUS

    You cant touch while I'm here boys ..... ha ... ha

  • eyeuse2badub

    tRumps approval rating as a human being is 0%! No other way to look at it!

    just saying!

  • minimus

    Trump is doing a fine job as President. Remember, we had a President that abandoned the notion that this country could grow and jobs could be bountiful. I’ll take Trump over any Democrats any day!!

  • Finkelstein

    we had a President that abandoned the notion that this country could grow and jobs could be bountiful.

    You do realize that Obama got into office during the start of the great financial collapse of 2008 dont you ?

    He saved many large companies from going bankrupt and dissolving particularly in the auto industry.

    He helped the US get out that recession and Trump is now claiming its him and his administration are the ones responsible for that financial turn around..

    Trump will be gone in 2020, I think the American population has had enough of that guy, in spite of some perceived good he did accomplish.

  • blondie

    I guess it matters when you check his approval ratings and how they are gathered.

  • minimus

    Fink, you thought he would be gone after the Mueller Report. I don’t pay to much attention to people who are usually wrong. That’s why I left the JWs.😎

  • minimus

    Blondie, the only poll that really counts is the voting booth. We have seen time and again pollsters are like weathermen.

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