Manuscript varients betray deliberate altertion of NT

by peacefulpete 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

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    Some of the work by George Lamsa (The Lamsa Bible) suggest that some of the original stories may have been in aramaic. He cites the apparent unfamiliartity with aramaic wedding celebrations found in John. He also has a much more reasonable explanation for the feeding of the 5000 than is portrayed in movies about the incident. He points out that the root word for camel and hemp (rope) are the same in aramaic which suggests that the greek author may have mistranslated the saying. "It will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to pass into the kingdom of heaven." He also suggests that the brand of aramaic used by Jesus (who was raised in Samaria) was quite different from that used in Jerusalem and may have contributed to some mistranslations, especially where idioms are being used. Sort of like trying to get by on TEXMEX in Madrid, Spain.

  • peacefulpete

    I read recently that UrMark may have been written in Latin.

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