.....any ideas of what this thread could be about???
A Man And His Pig
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig. -- Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
A guy and his motorcycle? No, that would be a hawg.
Oh Oh I know. Valis putting a ring through Minimus' nose and parading him thorough a Pork show.
*LOL* xjw...ya that's about how it would be...
District Overbeer
Keep 'em comin'.
A Green Acres episode, with Arnold the Pig.
Geez mini didn't we just have a thread about what men call their "thing"?????
You could have just posted your name for "it" there....
Well, a man once had a three legged pig, and someone asked him why it had only three legs.
So, he said, "That there pig's the best pig anyone ever had. Why, once when the house was on fire, it came in through the flames and pulled my wife and I out of the house. It saved our lives, it did."
So, the man asked again, "But, why does the pig have three legs?"
The farmer answered, "Yep, that there's the best pig ever. Once, I fell in the well, and that pig pulled me out."
So, that man asked again, "But, you still haven't told me why the pig has only three legs."
The farmer replied, "Well, a good pig like that, you don't eat all at once."
We will sell no swine before its time.