10 Years and I Haven't Died at Armageddon Yet!

by Swan 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    This was the letter I sent to the Judicial Committee of my congregation ten years ago today:

    "Due to changes in my life that are in conflict with the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, I no longer want to be known as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. That is all I am willing to say on the matter, so there is no need for the committee to visit me."

    I kept it short and succinct. What part of the second sentence was so difficult to understand? I kept getting calls and eventually an elders meeting. Even the DO got involved. Then there were letters to Bethel. Finally, after a final conference call, I was rid of them.

    At the same time I sent longer letters to my relatives and I had a long talk with my parents. I explained the reasons for my decision and of course these were shared with the elders.

    10 YEARS! I think that with boards such as this one and a great group of real flesh and blood and online apostate friends, that the next 10 years will be a lot easier than these first ten.

    Regrets? Nope. Not a one, except I wished I knew then what I know now. There's no way to tell my family now about the Watchtower Society, its false prophecies, its harlotrous association with the U.N., its widespread cover up of child abuse, and other juicy tidbits. It might not have changed the outcome, but at least it would have planted some seeds of doubt for my family to think about.

    Ten years later and I'm still alive and kicking, living my life, more enlightened than ever. I have faced death and am no longer afraid of it or seeking solace in some pipe-dream Paradise promise to avoid it. Satan hasn't turned me into a vicious slathering beast motivated only by my basest instincts. Jehovah God hasn't struck me with apocalyptic pestilence or disease. I haven't gone blind. No dogs or birds have yet gnawed on my dead carcass. No great tribulation has found me crawling to the Kingdom Hall doors, to join many others pounding futilely to get in. I no longer fear the end of the world. I no longer worry that I will be persecuted and starved.

    In fact, I have found the greatest joys of my life, and they are in the simple things that I was too busy, or too conscientious, as a JW to enjoy before. What a wonderful thing it is to watch a child open and play with a Christmas present you have given her! What a wonderful thing to get a sincere hug of appreciation from her! What a intriguing thing it is to read a book and appreciate it for what it is, rather than to have to interpret it through a filter. How wonderful it is listen to a song and not feel guilty about it.

    The world is no longer a thing to be feared, but a vast wonderful treasure to experience. Louis Armstrong said it best when he sang one of the best songs ever. "And I think to myself, what a wonderful world."


  • somebodylovesme

    Congratulations! What a warm and beautiful post. The "world" isn't such a bad place after all, is it?

    Take care and thank you for sharing.

  • stillajwexelder

    I haven't gone blind. -- anyway it is only masturbation that makes you go blind isnt it?

  • Puternut

    No, it's the LACK of masturbation that makes you blind. All the dubs are blind. Something about 'the blind leading the blind"?

  • micheal

    10 Years and I Haven't Died at Armageddon Yet!

    And you never will.

  • bigboi

    Preach on sister! Preach on!

  • willyloman

    Tammy: That's just lovely! Thanks. It's a wonderful world.

  • joannadandy

    (Swan-I was just thinking about you, haven't seen you post in a while!)

    And we're so glad to have ya out!

  • garybuss

    This is my 30th year anniversary since leaving unpaid book sales and sales meetings. My life has gone exactly the way the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation and it's agents said it would not. I finished school, they said I would not. I got married, they said I would not. I had children, they said I would not. I had a career, they said I would not. I have grand children, they said I would not. I am living to be old in this system, they said I would not. They were absolutely positively dead wrong about every single thing they told me and they have not delivered on one promise they made to me or to any of the other group members.

    Their books are absolutely worthless. Nothing printed in all those books is the least bit relevant today and those books the Witness people died in Europe to protect in the 30's and 40's are all in the scrap bin or in the attic gathering dust. None are still in print. What is relevant today is the money they made from producing those books and the testimonies the pristine gardens of the Watch Tower Corporation tell about the lives sacrificed to allow it all to happen.

    Congratulations Tammy! Thanks for being here and starting the thread. GaryB

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Truly I tell you today, you will not die at Armageddon.

    If you do, we'll give you TRIPLE your money back!

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