More decption in Feb 1 WT

by why144000 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate
    The last few years, experiences at the assemblies and conventions were given as if they had just happened

    Over 30 years ago I had the "privilage" of being on the District Assembly program. It was the experiences part that they have at all conventions. I was amazed to find out that it was a scripted part. NONE of what we said was our own personal experiences.

    It was explained to us that these were REAL experiences to uplift the brothers so it did not matter that they were not really our own personal experiences.The whole idea troubled me at the time but I put it to the back of my mind. After all 1975 was soon to be upon us and anything we could do to keep the organization strong even if it involved a little innocent deception was OK.

    Doing it this way has likely been common over the years especially when the GB had a point that they wished to make world wide and they wanted it to be made in such a way as to appear to have came from the bottom up and not from the top down.

    This organization was born with deception,it has matured with deception and hopefully soon will die with deception still on their lips.

  • wannaexit


    are you absolutely sure.


  • onintwo

    I always disdained the way the Society would omit the identifiers regarding personal stories and anecdotal experiences. Things like the name of the person involved, or their city and state, etc. Things a guy could check if he wanted to. But they never did. I felt that it took away from the credibility of the articles.

    The WT never "signs off" on anything. Even their crummy little articles and books are anonymously written. How honest is that? They, of course, hide behind the rationale that modesty prohibits them from naming the writers. Glory should be given to God and not man, blah, blah, blah.

    Until they begin doing what every other author/writer does, (state his name and stand behind his words,) they will have zero currency in this world, in my humble opinion.

    Oh, aren't the Bible writers named? Cats like James and John among others?


  • sf

    Jehovah's Witnesses

    2-4 Zouch Road

    Phone (V): (02) 9829 5600
    Fax: (02) 9829 3616

    This church provides interpreted services for meetings for Deaf people, visits them in their homes and provides home Bible Studies.


    Information for Clients; Consumer Support Groups; Religious ...
    ... 9328 9571 Fax: 08 9227 9720 Jehovah's Witnesses. 2-4 Zouch Road INGLEBURN
    NSW 2565 Phone: 02 9829 5600 Fax: 02 9829 3616 Top of page. ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

  • willyloman

    Years ago we had a young man move to our congregation. He had just graduated from a University with an engineering degree and started working at a large local manufacturing firm. He was early 20's, a handsome guy, and all the sisters were a'twitter. Working in service with him, he told me his story. He had always wanted to be an engineer and was a straight-A's student in high school, excelling at math. His father sent him to college after graduation. This cost his father his eldership, and the boy and the rest of his family was virtually shunned by the congregation for several years (but not "officially," they just weren't invited to dinner anywhere).

    I was really impressed with his courage and told him so. We had several successful professional elders in our congo and we embraced the kid. Soon he was a MS. A wealthy elder made sure his good looking pioneer daughter "interfaced" often with the young engineer and soon there was a big wedding. With the kid's job, his wife didn't need to work and continued pioneering. Today they're at Bethyl, where he was asked to come and help out (and, no, he never did become a regular pioneer).

    See a pattern here? Kid and family are ostracized for disobeying the Society's no-college counsel, but then, when they need an engineer, who ya gonna call? It's this kind of sh** that drives JWs crazy.

  • sf

    Leithner & Company Pty Ltd - The Leithner Letter
    ... Buffett's presentation and comments at the annual Sun Valley conference
    organized by Allen & Co. Thanks to Vincent Toole for the link. ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages :

    Private Idaho

    Bloomberg, in a report by David Evans dated 13 July 2001 and entitled Buffett Warns Sun Valley Against Internet Stocks, summarises Mr Buffett's presentation and comments at the annual Sun Valley conference organized by Allen & Co. Thanks to Vincent Toole for the link.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Why144000..

    Good Catch man !!!!..

    This world wide web is great.

    Now they just can't paste up "poster boy type J.W.'s".. and expect that someone won't recognize them and know the REAL TRUTH about their made up crap.

    This is a GOOD POST why144000.. a darn good post.


    Special K

  • VM44

    From sf's post we have:

    Jehovah's Witnesses
    2-4 Zouch Road

    From the lawyer's directory, we get for Vincent Toole,

    2-4 Zouch Rd.
    Denham Court NSW 2565

    Are these two addresses really for the same place?


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    See a pattern here? Kid and family are ostracized for disobeying the Society's no-college counsel, but then, when they need an engineer, who ya gonna call? It's this kind of sh** that drives JWs crazy.


    Once again, the WTS wants to have it both ways.

    The way the WTS views college REALLY bugs the hell outta me since I turned down a few scholarship options to instead pioneer.

    That was before the NEW LIGHT came out a whlie ago

    The WTS knows the value of a college education and needs such people, an even ADMITS them to Bethel w/out a Reg Pio background.

    But if you pursue such locally, well as was said, let the shunning begin.

    "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness."

  • Will Power
    Will Power
    Sirona: the Freddie Mercury's

    I agree he should be right up there with the others you mentioned. Thank you

    boy I miss him


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