After the stupidity of ToMo3 going on his personal rant during his talks, the GB have probably told each other NOT to vary from the script....
Observation of Sam Heard at Regional Convention in Dayton, OH
by LevelThePlayingField 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Pete Zahut
One thing I noticed rather quickly was how stuck he was to his notes. He rarely looked up. And then I realized that, he was actually reading everything word for word. But he was literally reading everything
One must always stick to ones outline when one is an important figurehead, lest one appear common.
I remember i had a part at the circuit assembly. One of those demos where they show a "bad" family and a "good" family. I was in the "bad" family and had to present i was skipping a meeting to go to a rock concert. Everything was scripted from Watchtower. It even included American slang that we dont use here in the UK. The "bad dad" even had to say "the folks at work have invited me bowling this Thursday". Really? "folks"? "bowling"?
It's pretty sad that the old token black guy of the GB cant give a talk without being note tied. I mean, if anyone would be able to get away with throwing their own ideas into a talk it'd only be a member of the GB. Lets just hope his earthly course is due up.
IMO Heard and Losch are the worst speakers in the Body. Both barely fit for even the #3 in the Theocratic (old) school.
IMO Heard and Losch are the worst speakers in the Body. Both barely fit for even the #3 in the Theocratic (old) school.
The others arnt much better. Can you imagine the reaction if Stephen Lett was just your normal visiting speaker, got up on the platform in your KH and did a talk in his manner? He'd be laughed off the platform.
Then there's Anthony Morris III just going on and on about the gruesome details of armageddon on talking about tight trousers.
IMO Heard and Losch are the worst speakers in the Body. Both barely fit for even the #3 in the Theocratic (old) school.
Not IMO - very observable fact.