Dean meltdown

by Seven 63 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim

    Dean is still pulling in money...he didn't hurt himself at the debate, and the interview went well, especially because of Mrs. Dean. Dean is for sure the Republican's candidate of choice, next to Kucinich he's the easiest to beat. I'm telling ya folks, if the Dems want to win the only chance they have is a Kerry Edwards ticket, or a Lieberman someonelse combination (the Rev Al maybe??).

    If there's any substance to what they have to say... why aren't they talking already?

    Generals are actually quite reticent to criticize one another in public...would Clark by some fluke win the nomination, then is the time to come forward with the details.

    Let's hear it for Hollerin Howe Dean!

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper


    is there a democrat candidate you would vote for? I know your a republican but it seems to me that in US politics there is much less to choose between the parties

  • Yerusalyim


    If I voted for a democrat in this field it would be Lieberman, he's consistent and level headed.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    would you vote Lieberman over Bush? You mention your tax cut of 60$ a month but it seems to me that you are going to lose more than that when the bean counters work out that all the overspending has to be paid for somehow.

  • Yerusalyim


    From what I've seen thus far, no, I wouldn't vote for Lieberman over Bush, but I'd listen to the debate earnestly.

    If the democrats had an answer to the budget deficit other than raising taxes I'd listen to it. We are not undertaxed in the US...we over spend.

  • wednesday

    Now there's a nice looking all american young man. Charm like clinton but with a much more honest look. If i voted democrat, i'd vote for him. But i'm Bush all the way. I agree Liberman -seems like a nice guy, but he should quit before some nutcase takes a shot at him.What with all the jew haters, and now Mel Gibson is coming out with that Passion film about the jews killing jesus. very bad timing.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I don't get it, Bush is just an empty headed red neck who has won votes by giving tax cuts. The tax cuts have led to budget problems so you'll get tax raises.

    You won't get government spending cuts while the fear mongers are still pushing the 'terrorists under the bed' message. How much has the 'patriot' act cost you guys? Seems to me that Bush has been trying to spend his way out of recession which is a very left wing thing to try, and from experience it don't work. Add that to the cost of becoming the world's bully policeman and you've got serious issues controlling spending. Bush is now trying to come cap in hand to the UN and most countries are quite rightly going to tell him to sod off. If he doesn't want to work with the UN prior to war, why should the rest of the world pay for the cleanup?

  • Yerusalyim
    Now there's a nice looking all american young man. Charm like clinton but with a much more honest look. With a grand total of what...two years as a public official...lots of experience there...or does being a trial lawyer count?
    I don't get it, Bush is just an empty headed red neck who has won votes by giving tax cuts. The tax cuts have led to budget problems so you'll get tax raises. Quite the opposite, he's actually an intelligent man...sorry, you don't get to be President by being an idiot. He won votes by giving tax cuts? The tax cuts happened after he was elected. The budget problems aren't really related to the tax fact...the tax cuts brought us out of the recession and will, in the long term, increase government revenues. The budget problem is in part due to the hit the economy took from the recession (that started under Clinton), 9-11, and the ENRON scandal, add to that ridiculous programs that we can't afford (the prescription drug benefit)
  • wednesday

    My personal point of view, Bush stepped up to the plate and took on the terrorists. That wessel Clinton had all those years in office to do somethng about this situation, and he did nothing, except leave a mess for somone else to clean up.Of course i'm concerned about taxes, but first we must protect our citizens. the next 9-11 could be more devasting. Do u want to vote for some peace at any price person who'll try and reason with a terrorist? Not me, i'm voting for the Bush, he has proven he can do the job.

    This is my personal opinion, to which i'm entitled. U get one too.

    It is a long way until November.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper
    Quite the opposite, he's actually an intelligent man...sorry, you don't get to be President by being an idiot. He won votes by giving tax cuts? The tax cuts happened after he was elected. The budget problems aren't really related to the tax fact...the tax cuts brought us out of the recession and will, in the long term, increase government revenues. The budget problem is in part due to the hit the economy took from the recession (that started under Clinton), 9-11, and the ENRON scandal, add to that ridiculous programs that we can't afford (the prescription drug benefit)

    He doesn't come across as particularly intelligent and I think you'll find that alot of the budget problems came about as a result of the excessive spending related to Afghanistan and Iraq. True, the tax cuts put money back into people's pockets and that generates spending in the economy but the vast bulk of the tax cuts benefitted the rich and that money does not go back into the mix, it goes straight into the stock market

    Why do you think the prescription drug benefit is rediculous? We have a national health service here that takes care of people who cannot afford private health care. I don't understand how America can be proud of having so many people with no access to healthcare when it is the most prosperous nation on earth.

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