Would some one tell me where you get these machines ,how much are they??? how do they work. I could use one I snore loudly I wake myself up too.
to nights the night
by orangefatcat 18 Replies latest jw friends
OFC, i had that sleep study done and went 2x-couldn't sleep either one. Can u believe it? I still have to try again, up till now they wouldn't let me use drugs, but thyr agreed to let me take meds. WHEW
little witch
I am suffering sleep deprevation myself. It is terrible!
I am such a cranky-hank!
I am glad you are getting help to deal with it.
Big Hugs from LW
Well I had a good night, but the guy had to wake me up at three am., this morning as I was sweating profusely. How on earth he knew that was beyond me. Because your in a private room and the doors are closed, and I had a fan on me. So he had to take my covers off of me.
I had no idea that that sort of thing effects the reading or whatever it is in that room with their computers and machines.
I got up to go to the little girls room also and as far as that I was out cold sleeping. I have no problem sleeping I can sleep easily. For three yrs. back in the early 1990s I slept day and night, I couldn't wake up. I had test done then but I was very sick back then.
I did use a CPAP for many years but the masks once they go it costed 167.00 for a mask and I didn't have the money to buy it. So I just put my machine away. and I was back at the sleep lab again in Dec 2001 and the doctors knew I wasn't using my machine as I couldn't afford the mask and at that time I also didn't know that the Salvation Army would have given the funds to help me get it. Oh well.
So last night was my fifth time at the sleep lab in 7 and 1/2 yrs. The government will pay 3/4 of the money for the machine and then I have to get funding for the balance so I have spoke to the Ontario Works Social Assistance Program as I am on the Ontario Disablity Support Pension, so that is how I will be able to fund the balance. Now you ask why didn't I do that several yrs ago for the funding of the mask I needed, well Social Assistance will only pay for one mask and the hoses and the rest you have to buy yourself and the life of a mask is not long about a year if your lucky. At least that was the case back in those earlier years.
Now this is for our dear friend mouthy (Grace) In order for you to be tested all you do is discuss it with the doctor. Most doctors comply when you tell them that you snore and are not getting any rest. And if you are gasping at night to get air., it is very important to speak with the doctor about this as it can cause you to have heart failure. I am Not trying to scare you. Anyway you go to the sleep Clinic nearest you and spend the night all hooked up to electrodes and these are attached to you and the others are put into a machine which produces your sleep patterns. The only thing is they use glue in your hair to keep electrodes in place. So after that you look like an alien with all these wires. Don't be intimidated by them, just relax as you would normally and drift into la la land. They may have to awaken you in the night but not always.
Then the Sleep Labratories assess your sleeping this is down by a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders. He will send the report to your doctor. and if your are suffering snoring or sleep apena which is bad then he will tell your doctor you need a CPAP machine, this is a machine much like a compressor. It is a continous positive air pressure. So with the mask on you nose just it continually pushes an air flow through your sinus system, and you breathe normally as the mask doesn't cover your mouth. I have to be honest it takes awhile to become accustomed to breathing with a mask on. Stick with it, as it works and you will find a 100 persent difference in energy and you won't be as fatigued during the day. Its a life long commitment so you have to be prepared to go with the flow as it were. It does work. And the only problem I had was that at the top of the mask you caused irration on the bridge of your nose and little white specks pop up, but that will go away the more you use your machine. The machine also comes with a small humidifier as you need the water to assist you. it doesn't go up your nose but makes breathing easier and its not a dry sleep but a moist air.
The machines can be very expensive as they have one also that has a port for oxgyen, that is something they do while you sleep they put that electrode on your finger to meassure your oxgyen supply from your own body and if it is low then you need the machine with the oxegyn port. It sounds complex but it isn't. The machine I had didn't have the oxegyn port.
Anyway the machines are as I said 3/4 paid by ADP and the balance you have to pay for. My machine was 1,600.00 and I had to get the funding for 400.00$ throught Social Assistance. In respects to senoirs getting extra help I am not too sure about that. So Grace I hope that answers your questions.
Oh and by the way Marco say, you could have come over to keep him company and he wanted to know if you play pool ? Why you ask, so you can play with his stick and balls.
Oh aren't we just so bad.
Well that is all folks and stay toned for my next post about what happened to us today. all my love
ROTFL at Marcus!!!!! No I dont play pool But thanks for all that info. When I have been to conventions -the folks I shared a cabin with, tell me I have that Ap???? what ever its called, I stop breathing.Scared the wits out of them. I am not worried about having a heart attack thats the way I want to go> Quick !!!! no pain, the only thing is the ones that find me will think I am an alien from outta space - I have a cover over my eyes( blindfold) to block out the light on my computer, I have no teeth, I look a real pretty sight... I definatly could NEVER afford that -so I guess I will go on snoring & not breathing -since I have no sleeping partners I guess I can keep on keeping on. But I am glad your looking out for yourself. Your a youngster & need a lot longer living... especially as I am SURE YOU play pool OH arent we naughty???? who would have ever thunk we would have said that when we were sweet little Pioneers?????
Hello again my dear friend,
Mouthy here are some pics of what a CPAP machine looks like and remember there are different types some more expensive than others depending upon the features your doctor wants on the machine and for your problems in sleeping.
This smaller one is the conventional model of a cPap machine. AS you see some openning on the machines these are where hoses are placed.
Well I hope this gives you an Idea of the machines and if you check out this site it will show you other models and what they are used for as per your needs.
Wishing you all the best.
Special K
Good luck with all this OFC.... and I hope they can help you out.
I didn't think sitting at the kingdom hall was good for anything but I guess you did learn something there.
You said, "I was able to sit straight up in bed during REM sleep,"
Now, I just know you learned to sleep sitting up at the kingdom hall, didn't you. LOL hahahah
Special K
Your picturs didn't come out. Were they like this?
Thanks satan for showing it. Fat your pictures didnt show.