I now have a PC again. I had gotten rid of the WT cd because I had a MAC ................ can anyone get me a cd-rom?
WT CD rom
by simplesally 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Every once in a while one will pop up on eBay, just type in "watchtower" on the search window and see what happens. They tend to get a little expensive, though. Your best bet is to get a witness to order one for you. I persuaded my daughter (still a dub) to get one for me.
When is the next WT Library CD scheduled to be released?
not till early 2005 based on the release date of the 2001 CD.
SimpleSally.. maybe we can burn a copy from mine..I have to remember where I put it away to though..
I also heard 2005 - and also heard (rumour only I think) that there wil be a further upgrade -- pictures and maps etc which there are not on current -though there are voices on the last one
So, Is 2001 the last version out? Or is 2003 out? GaryB
2001 is the last one out and was not distributed until 2003 (over a year into the next 2 year cycle)
I have an advance copy of the 2014 WTS CD, in case anybody's interested.
I have a copy of the 1999 version, at least that's what I think it is... I could burn you a copy of you're interested...