Interesting becuase today is all we really have so every opportunity we miss we will never get back again. I would tell everyone in my life I love them everyday of that 6 months. I would make sure that my nieces and nephews never forgot who auntie teenie was and the world would be richer for having me in it. No one would leave me feeling depressed or sad but glad they took the time to spend a little of their time with me. Heck that is how I live my life anyway! So I would do everything I have been afraid of doing, try new experiences, love, havbe lots of fun and sex and go out in style. Err no thats my plan for this year anyway apart from the go out in style bit...nuts what was the question again?????
What Would You Do If...
by dh 17 Replies latest jw friends
Blue Moon
first just want to say i sure miss this place.. college and exams kept me away for a bit but i'm back!! *grins* hope everyone is doing well..
but about the subject..hmmmm *thinks* that's a toughie.. considering that what i really want i probably won't get for another 4 years, maybe more.. but i would do my best to be with the man i love.. cause i don't want to die leaving him wondering what it would've been like being together
Fly around the world and sail around the world
I'd apply for as many credit cards as I could and rack them up and maybe take out another loan. I wouldn't get married. I'd also work on getting my fiance pregnant. Once the credit cards are approved, get my fiance a new car, maybe a nice little house, and give the rest of the cash to her. I'd also make her my beneficiary. Hell, if I'm gonna go, I'm gonna give someone else a good life before I die and watch them enjoy it a little.
Eat, drink, make love, travel, spend all your money, charge the rest, ........."for tomorrow we shall die"
I would probably fly my children to come stay with me for a while..
one thing is for sure, I know if I were to die today or tomorrow and many years from now, I will go to my grave a happy person knowing that I enjoyed life to the fullest extent when I walked out of the doors of the Kingdom Halls and the Organization.
Live began for me when I said good bye. I am one very happy and content person and although I am not well physcially I still have the brains that God gave me to enjoy the things I can do. For this I praise Him in My Heart.
And I know that when I go, it will hurt deeply the ones I love so much that is the only thing that disturbs me. I have a wonderful bond with Marco and an even deeper and stronger bond with my one son whom God saw fit to let me have. He is a fragile man when it comes to me. He hates seeing me sick and wishes he could do more for me. But to me that is not so important as it is to have him in my live now.
I know it will be difficult on Marco, as he is in the early stages of Alzimeirs disease. So I need to plan things for him in case I should die before him.
But I plan to stay on earth along time yet. I want to celebrate life each and everyday as if it were my last day.
Love to you all
Orangefatcat Terry
I would liquidate my assets and spend my last days engaging in all sorts of debauchery.