Can a baptized witness attend a wedding or a funeral of a relative or loved one if it is in a place of worship other than a kingdom hall,is there a penalty for that?
by moses 12 Replies latest social relationships
I believe it's up to the person's conscience, but it's really frowned upon. My mother's battled with her conscience over this one many times.
No -- I know a huge number of elders who have attended funerals inside churches of worldy relatives- to offer comfort and support -- weddings --mmm -- a little bit more of a gray area
As long as you don't take part in the religious stuff, you should be okay. Don't bow your head, don't take part in comission, don't do that father- son- holy ghost thing, don't sing the hymns, etc.
Just to add one more testimony. I remember going to at least a couple, one for my great-grandfather and one for my aunt. My dad was an elder when we went to those. My dad actually gave a little talk without mentioning JW, but mentioning a russurection hope, for an aunt by marriage. My uncle was and has been DF for years and my aunt had been inactive ever since. Then there was one funeral where we waited outside. I don't know what the difference was at that time.
I've never been to a wedding in a church.
This is another one of those deals where what's written and what's said doesn't always jive. There might not be any outright condemnation in print about the subject but if one is reliant on the elders for decision making, they might get the recommendation that it's displeasing to God somehow by going inside a structure of false religion. It also depends on the conservativeness of the local congregation or area. As stated in another thread, it's better to make your own decisions based on what the BIBLE says and not seek the elders' opinions, preferences or their permission.
Will Power
I wonder what kind of wedding ceremony it was that Jesus attended? Their rituals were/are filled with superstition etc. I wonder why there isn't a big parable in the bible about discussing the "conscience" decision to go & partake?
I had close family and friends who wanted me IN their wedding and it was to be held in a church.. OF course that is really a NO NO.. so I had to turn them down..
I feel bad about it now.. I did that for nothing in the end.
sassy, I thought you werent able to have close friends if you were a jw? not to offend you just curious
I don't have a definitive answer on weddings, but, I do have an experience.
I had a unscriptural divorce forced upon me, I was left with no way out. I was told I should just remain celibate or Ha, ha-- 'marry only in the Lord'. I could not do either. I remarried anyway and NONE of my JW relatives, about 25 - 30 would not attend. It was not in a church and was performed by a JP. I am not DF, just inactive 3 - 4 years.
The only answer I ever got was from relatives was I was doing wrong by marrying a non-witness.
So-o-o, me thinks sum-tin is v-e-w-w-y, screw-w-w-y...!
~ Lee ~