Maybe the guys in the writing department just plugged in that statement without checking its veracity.'s quite clear they make it up as they go along.
The weekly Watchtower LIE
by biblexaminer 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Well, we all know that it's not a "slip up", it is quite intentional.
What Watchtower said
prior to 1914What Watchtower claims it said
prior to 1914"The year A.D. 1878 … clearly marks the time for the actual assuming of power as King of kings, by our present, spiritual, invisible Lord - …" The Time is At Hand (1911 ed) p.239 "The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence to honesthearted students of Bible prophecy that Jesus’ presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914." Watchtower1993 Jan 15 p.5 "But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble. Zion's Watch Tower 1894 Jul 15 p.226 "Jehovah's witnesses pointed to the year 1914, decades in advance, as marking the start of "the conclusion of the system of things." Awake! 1973 Jan 22 p.8 -
Not to mention this false caption - there was no such things as the GB until the 70's. From 1919-1971 Jehovah's direction was given "through the office of the President." See 1943 Yearbook.
It was already published 1916
1916 "Beyond the Century's Swinging Portal"
The portals of this wonderful Twentieth Century have been swinging but sixteen years but more and more the glorious light of the New Dispensation is discernible. The Kingdom is coming, its glory is at the gates of the world ! The political, social and financial rulers of earth recognize not the King's presence. Nevertheless, true to our Lord's own prophecy, in this very time He is taking to Himself His great power, and is about to glorify His Church and begin His Reign of Righteousness. The nations are angry, and are bringing upon themselves the Divine Wrath, which has planned their utter destruction.—Revelation How forcefully the poet pictures the present great war, which is leading on to the Armageddon of revolution and anarchy ! How almost prophetic are the words : "And while the earth with strife is riven, And envious factions Truth do hide, Lo! He, the Lord of earth and Heaven, Stands at the door and claims His Bride." But Messiah's Kingdom cannot take full control of the earth, nor the Sun of Righteousness scatter the ignorance and superstition, until God's elect Church shall have passed beyond the veil to be forever with the Lord, partakers of His glory, honor and immortality.
From 1916 "A Thousand Years! Earth's Coming Glory!"
While the Jews, according to their light, looked forward to Messiah's Kingdom as an earthly one, in which every man would "sit under his own vine and fig tree," and "the wilderness would blossom as the rose," and God's footstool be made glorious—the Church, on the contrary, was given a different, a spiritual conception, of the Kingdom. We see the propriety of this : Messiah's Kingdom is to be of two parts, the spiritual, which will be invisible to men, but all-powerful; and the earthly, which will be visible, to men. Christ and his faithful followers, His Bride, will constitute the spiritual Kingdom ; while Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the faithful of the Prophets down to John the Baptist will be the earthly rulers.
He discerned that Christ would return invisibly and that “the appointed times of the nations” would end in 1914.
Bible examiner:
The statements given in the WT are true. The above sentence does not tell that both the events happened in 1914. There are two ideas mentioned with a separator "and", "that":
He discerned that Christ would return invisibly: Yes, CT Russell did tell that Jesus presence would be invisible. He got the year wrong and the WT itself accepts that the BIble students were mistaken about this:
As we saw in Chapter 2 of this book, the Bible Students spent decades pointing out that the year 1914 would be significant in fulfilling Bible prophecy. However, at that time they believed that Christ’s presence had begun in 1874.....Do mistaken ideas such as these cast doubt on whether Jesus was guiding those faithful ones by means of holy spirit?
and that the "appointed times of the nations" would end in 1914: This is true. He himself announced this to the Bethel family on 2nd October 1914.
The sentence tells two different ideas:
1. Christ's return would be invisible, and
2. The appointed times would end in 1914.
Yes DREARY... we know how it's written and why. I think that most of us here have gathered, over the years, that Watchtower writes everything with a back door.
If it came to a day in court, the Watchtower would say, "well... the first part of the sentence is true... in its own right. And the second part is also true... in its own right."
The point is, it was compiled, on purpose, to give the impression to the reader that "The Watchtower has consistently presented..."
That's why I followed up with the Awake of 1973 quote (which I got from JWFACTS).
The intent, on the part of the Watchtower writers, was to make JWs in the Kingdom Halls BELIEVE that they should put faith in The WTBTS as it is "consistent".
If, when the study was taking place, you answered the question on this paragraph, and you added that fact, that indeed 1874 was the date... perhaps like this.
He discerned that Christ would return invisibly in 1874 and that “the appointed times of the nations” would end 40 years later in 1914.
I would love to have been there when you said that. It would have been golden. As the elders were disfellowshipping you in the back room, taking a strip off you for your spiritual potty mouth and for "disturbing the peace in the congregation" I would have come to you and asked, hey Dreary, what's the matter now? LOL
When you defend the indefensible on here, you open yourself up for all kinds of abuse.
You are a Watchtower troll. We see you.
And Dreary, I will steal from your quote.
...the Bible Students spent decades pointing out that the year 1914 would be significant in fulfilling Bible prophecy.
I won't re-paste the link.
Yes Dreary, they spent decades, and they pointed to 1914, Dreary.
But the Watchtower was clear that 1914 was going to be ARMAGEDDON.
Is ARMAGEDDON "significant" ...? (see your quote again)
Sure. I bet it is. So I guess you are completely correct. And I am sure that all the brothers in the halls, when they read that the year 1914 was going to be significant in the eyes of the Bible Students, they completely understood that CT Russell was preaching a 1914 ARMAGEDDON doctrine. LOL LOL
And you want us to take you seriously.
And why was 1914 significant? The Governing Body wasn't even appointed (anymore) in 1914. It was 1919 in the latest dogma.
As ever , the WTBTS is being some disingenuous and misleading in their quote ( not that the average JW will have any clue , or could care less anyway).
The truth is that Russell made numerous prophecies & applications / interpretations of scripture , spewing them out in a scattergun approach. Anybody who reads some early Watchtowers or glances through "Studies in the Scriptures" would just regard them as the rantings of a delusional man , puffed up with his own importance.
The Watchtower simply picks up on probably the only two beliefs of Russell that the Society still accepts - 1914 ( which was only one of many years that he highlighted , but for obvious reasons it has stuck , even though the Society has had to lie that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE to back it up) and the "invisible presence / parousia" concept that he taught that had happened in 1874 but was helpfully shifted to 1914 after nothing happened in 1914.
Yes DREARY... we know how it's written and why.
So if you mean that the statements are inconsistent, then tell it as such. You straightaway tell the writer has lied in the Watchtower, which is not the case.
If it came to a day in court, the Watchtower would say, "well... the first part of the sentence is true... in its own right. And the second part is also true... in its own right."
There you go, so both parts of the sentence are true. Period.
The point is, it was compiled, on purpose, to give the impression to the reader that "The Watchtower has consistently presented..."
Yes, the WT has consistently presented that
- Christ returned invisibly (CT Russell first mentioned this in 1877, and JWs have held that the presence of Christ was invisible)
- gentile times would end in 1914.(CT Russell first mentioned this in 1876, JW's have held on to this teaching too)
Show me references where there have been flip-flops in these two teachings over the years after 1876 (when they were first brought up in the books 'The Object and the Manner of Christ's Return' & the "Gentile Times Reconsidered" in the Bible Examiner).
If, when the study was taking place, you answered the question on this paragraph, and you added that fact, that indeed 1874 was the date... perhaps like this.
He discerned that Christ would return invisibly in 1874 and that “the appointed times of the nations” would end 40 years later in 1914.Sorry, bibleexaminer, I didn't give this reply during the study, But yes, i did reply what you wrote, during the Bible study in the week of December 5, 2016, when the following paragraph was being discussed from the Gods Kingdom Rules book, Chap 5, para 5:
5, 6. (a) The Bible Students held what mistaken views about the establishment of the Kingdom and the harvest? (b) Why should such mistaken views not cast doubt on whether Jesus was guiding his followers?
5 As we saw in Chapter 2 of this book, the Bible Students spent decades pointing out that the year 1914 would be significant in fulfilling Bible prophecy. However, at that time they believed that Christ’s presence had begun in 1874, that he had begun to rule in heaven in 1878, and that the Kingdom would not be fully set up until October 1914. The harvest would extend from 1874 to 1914 and would culminate in the gathering of the anointed to heaven. Do mistaken ideas such as these cast doubt on whether Jesus was guiding those faithful ones by means of holy spirit?
And you know, no one disfellowshipped me for giving this answer.
When you defend the indefensible on here, you open yourself up for all kinds of abuse.
by you, of course. For you are the one who starts name calling or abusing when someone tries to correct you.
You are a Watchtower troll. We see you.
Yes I am. You should have figured it out long back.
Drearyweather's statement is correct, as we know but what is the meaning of the sentence that contains both statements?
It was intended to tell the reader's the CTR was correct in his discernment and in line with teachings still taught today. That would NOT be true.
The WT has often advocated the cause of "truth" and said that a misleading statement, even if technically correct - is still a lie....
That is the case here