No wonder the witnesses are totally burned out. I was an elder for some time and climbed the spiritual ladder. Now that I am out, I have lots of time on my hands where I can be myself again, and do things I want to do. Let me explain:
It starts with Tuesday bookstudy 1 hr, Prepare for that 1 hr, visiting afterward 1 hr, Get there early 1/2hr
Thursday: Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting 2 hrs, Prepare for that 1 hr, visiting afterward 1 1/2 hr, Get there early 1/2hr
Sunday: Public Talk and WT Study 2 hrs, Prepare for that 1 hr, visiting afterward 1 1/2, Get there early 1/2
Study with 2 kids per week, 2 hrs,
Study with wife 1 hr per week,
Personal study 2 hrs per week,
Prepare for talks, 3 hrs per week,
Sheperding calls 1 hr, per week, travel to and from 1 hr,
Field Service 10 -15 hrs per week,
Elders Meetings, 2-3 hrs per week,
Committe Meetings avg 2 hrs per week,
Kingdom Hall projects, Rehearsals for assemblies, Hospital Visitation, Visiting the elderly, Elderschool Weekends, Assemblies, Conventions, calculates to about 3 hrs per week.
Totaling the above comes out to 7 hrs per day !! Where is the time for oneself?