of course elders once per year are supposed to visit DFd ones --so I can not see how an elder could be DFd -- also elders see them when they want to be reinstated - so there is always "an out" for elders
Can you get DF'd for having interactions with someone thats DF'd?
by Agent Smith 27 Replies latest jw friends
Yes you can-But my understanding is Elders can speak with DF ones BUT not Apostates .Correct me you "elders" if I am wrong!!!
My father (won't call him "dad" any more), who is an elder and lives over 1000 miles from here, is afraid to talk to me based on how it would appear to others. Maybe my mom would turn him in?
Goph, at least you have the luxury of being DF'ed, you don't have to hear the constant calls of people asking you to "Come back to Jehoover."
*** w81 9/15 29 If a Relative Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***
The second situation that we need to consider is that involving a disfellowshiped or disassociated relative who is not in the immediate family circle or living at one?s home. Such a person is still related by blood or marriage, and so there may be some limited need to care for necessary family matters.Thats what they used on me. My sis who was living with me disassociated. I wouldn't have her leave, so I got df'd.
That is just typical. Each congregation elder body seems to have their own rules. It is a known fact that family members are to be treated somewhat different than non family members. Limited necessary business is a delicate line for some and not for others. However the WT does state that others are not to meddle in the affairs of others. And therefore it's for each family member to decide what their conscience allows. However elders are quick to police these things. If you do your research correctly and have all the facts from the organization, you will gain your family member. IF there is an issue before a committee, you have the right to an appeal. And a new committee will be appointed. IF that still doesn't work you have the right to respectfully write the society.
This is for family business only. With the exception on one issue. If you are an employer and have a brother working for you, and he gets disfellowshipped whilst in your employment, you are not obligated to fire him and can remain on a business level with him. However if you are an employer and hire a disfellowshipped one, you'll be called on the carpet.
Also; if you have a family member and knows someone in the family who is df'd and needs medical care, you are obligated to that person to take care of him. And that is your choice as to whether your conscience allows it or not. If you are a publisher, you can get away with that. If you are in position of oversight, you'll be frowned upon, and may loose your priviledges.
Hope this helps
To answer mouthy's question -- not sure -- elders would not initiate contact with DFd for apostasy --but if they were approached by an apostate wanting to come back it would be different. I have now been involved with two cases where I tried to shepherd people going "wayward" with "apostasy" - I failed in both cases and they both ended up leaving
Thanks stillaxjwelder... I was just wondering. After all I MAY go back( YAH! RIGHT!!!!
The Spokane Spokesman October 5th 1996 By Kelly McBride Staff writer "Church officials said they never advocate their followers violate court orders or state laws. But they acknowledged their doctrine of shunning former members leaves little room for non-Witness parents in the lives of children who are active in the church." "Jehovah's Witnesses tell children they can associate with their non-Witness parents until they are adults, said (Merton) Campbell. But once they become adults, they must choose between continuing that association or remaining part of the church." "We believe that we are obeying what the Bible has to say on that, Campbell said." ***
So called 'loyal members' of the jw church interact with disfellowshipped EXJWS ALL THE TIME ONLINE. But not offline. I'm in yahoo right now with jws KNOWING I AM DFED AND HIGHLY APOSTATE...YET....WE INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER DAILY.
It's really only if the do it offline and are caught.
You all really gotta stop fearing this stupid policy. It's old light!
Gary, wanna chat sometime?