I have seen too many cult-like phrases come out recently. "Social(??)" distancing. Washing your hands to a double "Happy birthday". "Flatten the curve". "We're all in this together." All these buzzwords are a danger sign for a cult, which to me is worse than any coronavirus could be.
In this, where is all the buzzwords about taking supplements? If the masks and "social(??)" distancing are a good first line of defense, where is the second line of defense? I haven't heard a peep about it in the lamestream media. It is common knowledge that zinc and vitamin C help with these things--they sell them all the time for colds, and if they didn't work, people wouldn't keep buying them. Vitamin D, magnesium (and most people are deficient in this, leading to heart conditions that amount to risk factors for dying of coronavirus), selenium, and beta carotene and vitamin A all help. Where is the media advising people to use these, instead of or along with the masks and "social(??)" distancing?
Along with other supplements. I have heard good things about them, and I am currently taking quite a few of them. Quercetin is a good one--it works the same way as hydroxychloroquine, but safer and more naturally (it is a bioflavinoid that works with vitamin C). Taken with zinc, this drastically reduces your risk. And there are other carotenoids (lycopene is a good one) that reduce inflammation, helping with your heart and keeping your immune system doing its job instead of killing the mosquito with an elephant gun. Echinacea, elderberry extract, goldenseal, oregano oil, ginger root, garlic, dandelion tea, nettle, and astragalus are all natural immune support supplements. (In fact, I took echinacea, oregano oil, and ginger root in lieu of antibiotics for a toothache and they worked at least as well as a course of cephalexin, with no adverse effects).
Where are all the cult words for these supplements? If everyone would take at least some of them, and vulnerable people would take more of them, we would stop needing "social(??)" distancing and masks in short order. Taking quercetin along with about 50 mg of zinc as chelate would help, possibly shortening the virus from its 15 day course to a day or two at most, or knock it out altogether. Better than that expensive and very dangerous drug that only shortens it from 15 to 11 days. And, better than a 2 week self quarantine. (Obviously, if done along with the masks and the quarantines, it would have knocked this whole event out in 2 weeks).
As for other issues, I have seen a major race baiting incident because of faulty police work (a cop killed a black suspect, and it was highly publicized). They don't tell the whole story (though I bet the jury that finds the cop innocent will get the whole story). This results in riots, possibly started by people shipped in to start them. End result: More reparations. The news company that reports this needs to be audited, and if hanky panky is found, they need criminal charges plus being shut down. If the police did in fact break the law in this case (and not based on just half the story), they need to be punished. But they shouldn't all be made to be afraid to do their jobs. Does it take a weapon for a suspect to knock a cop down to the ground and slam his head into the pavement? Which would be more than enough to warrant use of deadly force to prevent--why would this warrant riots and white people losing all their rights if the suspect happened to be "unarmed" and black?
I see the full course of communism coming, and the news media are part to blame for it. Reporting too many one-sided stories about shootings (for gun control) and cops killing black suspects (and highlighting the race of the suspect to start race baiting) is worse than the original incident, since it starts riots and nationwide race wars. Telling people to be afraid of a virus that could be easily mitigated, and leaving out how to mitigate it (and in fact making it a crime to tell someone which supplements might work, even if you use them yourself and mention that results are not guaranteed) is a good way to get mandatory vaccinations (results of those are not guaranteed, either) with RFID chips to verify you had them. Again, this is worse than the original pandemic.