I just recently came across this web site. Being one of JW's for 20 years, of course I never knew any web sites like this were around. I have been df'd for almost 2 years now and I still can't get it out of my mind that I am going to die. My friends and family who are not, and have not been Witnesses try to assure me that I won't. That a loving God has gotten me out of such a bizzare "religion"! But, as all of you know we were continually told over and over again that if we don't go down that certain path...we will eternally parrish. I have this guilt of raising my son as one of JW's (he still is) and now I'm not. I have guilt that I have turned my back on my friends. I even still have the guilt that I turned my back on God, but I still love and believe in him. On the positive side, I have re-married, and this man loves me more than I have ever experienced before in my life. I am deaply in love with him and I am happier with him and my new life than I ever have before....so what is wrong with me? Why can't I let this go? Why and how did you do that?
I hope you can help!
by magnolia 18 Replies latest jw friends
It takes time and all of us are different - some on this board still feel like you do
I am deaply in love with him and I am happier with him and my new life than I ever have before....so what is wrong with me? Why can't I let this go? Why and how did you do that?
Welcome to the forum, Magnolia. You have come to the right place to begin healing and weeding out the WT guilt. I am in the same shoes as you: but I am further along than you in my healing. First thing you need to do is acquire a copy of Raymond Franz's book Crisis Of Conscience. Read it and your eyes will be wide open. There is a lot of info on the net to help you meanwhile and lots of support and friends who are either:1) questioning the org.2) or who have left once and for all3) or just going though the motions to hold onto their families & friends 4)or sympathizers. There may even be some of us in your area. (((((Magnolia)))))) You're going to be feeling better very soon. Life is much sweeter when you learn the truth about the org. All of those things that the governing body are scared for you to know. They don't want you to feel better outside. I'm so glad you found us here.
Welcome Magnolia. It sounds like you have a wonderful life. Don't ruin it with your doubts. I've been out of the religion since 1995 and living really, for the first time. Enjoying my life.
Read the many experiences here on the board. You will know that you made the right decision.
welcome magnolia. Ya it takes time. Say for instance you had a life experience with something dangerous. So bad was it that it scared you to the point of staying away from being in such a situation or around such a thing ever again. Jehovahs Witnesses plant such a seed based on their dire predictions of doom in hopes of keeping the poor slobs like you and I in line. Not anything real, only a radical translation of the bible with heavy emphasis on punishment versus the loving kindness purported by the biblical Christ. So, how do you let it go and get over it? Live your life! Take your time to learn about the world that was stigmatized for so long in your eyes. Fortunately all things worldly being the object of your fear or guilt are easily adopted and overcome. Stick around and enjoy. Meet some people and also get a good perspective on how there is indeed life after being a Witness.
District Overbeer
Welcome! You will have a great time here. There are all sorts of people, and all sorts of ideas presented. One thing most agree on, for one reason or another, the JW lifestyle or teachings no longer were for us. Hang around and enjoy, you will find a really non-judgemental environment here. Give yourself the time and love it will take to mend, and free yourself from thoughts of impending doom! It's a witness scare tactic. Hang in there, and hang out! Huxley
WOW.....Thank you all so much!!!!! My husband and I are here reading every response! It is so wonderful to have you all to talk to!!! I will definitely get the books you have mentioned and I will start reading "for myself"! This has helped me so much....it's a great start and I thank you all again. I will be on again very soon!
I even still have the guilt that I turned my back on God
You did NOT turn your back on God, a man made organization turned it's back on you. God still loves you.
Hello Magnolia. calamityjane is my wife, and we left together. You have come to the right place.
Can I assume your husband is not, was never a jw?
xjw_b12 "Millions Now Living Will Never
DieKnow" -
That is right xjw_b12. My husband is not, never was and will never be one of JW's (his words). But my husband does believe in and loves God. Your comments and everyone's are very helpful....I know I will be writing you more soon. Thank you ALL very very much for such quick responses...I needed that! - Magnolia