What are some of the wackiest comments you've heard at a meeting?

by doodle-v 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • doodle-v

    Nearly every cong has few goofballs who you can always count on to give some really off the wall comments during a meeting.

    I remember one sister in particular who would give incredibly loooooooooooooooooong comments lasting 5 minutes at least! LOL! she would just ramble on and one... hehe one time the speaker actually cut her off!!! He went up to her afterwards and apologized.

    Another time during the watchtower study the speaker asked for comments about an illustration... it was a picture of a "brother" standing at the door of a nightclub, just inside the door there was a female in a red dress sitting at the bar beconing(sp?) to him. LOL, One brother commented saying, "yeah I notice the woman in the illustration is wearing red, you know women really shouldn't wear red..."

    women shouldnt wear red??!! WTF? lmao!

    another time during a meeting the study was discussing "desires of the flesh" This one brother commented, and close to the end of his comment he said "well you know I have certain desires.... and.." The speaker actually cut him off saying "well lets just move on now, i think that is enough."

    What about you guys? What are some of the wackiest comments you've heard at a meeting?


  • dustyb

    well this one guy thinks that whatever the WT says is the bible. and i always laugh when they talk about images that they think really really happened (i.e. the paul preachign to a rich white girl picture). its always funny with the images because they think those images are TRUE, like the photographer got lucky time and time again lol.

  • Elsewhere

    As usual I was sleeping at the bookstudy when I was a kid... I nodded awake just in time to hear the conductor ask: "What did Lot's wife turn in to? I'll give you a hint, you put it on french fries."

    I thought: hell! I know the answer to that!

    So I raised my hand and proudly announced: Ketchup!

  • doodle-v

    LOL, Elsewhere!

    hehe, ketchup!

  • gitasatsangha

    wierdest comment: Pigs and Humans can produce offspring together.

    the conductor chimed in that there was some sort of law that the offspring of such unions have to be destroyed.

    hell maybe he's right.

  • galaxy7

    A short while ago at the bookstudy it was on some topic about stoning people to death as a punishment.The elder commented we should still be doing it. He probably would be first in line

  • doodle-v
    A short while ago at the bookstudy it was on some topic about stoning people to death as a punishment.The elder commented we should still be doing it. He probably would be first in line


  • shamus

    This one time this guy at a bookstudy was commenting about something in revelation. It had the illustration of "the whore on the great beast drunk with desire", and, he was referring to false religion, got flustered, and ended with "The Whore".

    I never laughed so hard in my whole life.

    He ended up leaving "the troof" after I turnedhim in for going to the strippers (or was going to, what a dumbass I was!) . He didn't care, as far as I know. His family was not too keen on me after that... oh well.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    We also had a sister that gave extremely long comments. That ended when Sam Friend was transferred to our hall and was the Watchtower study conductor. If you remember from Crisis of Conscience Sam Friend is mentioned in the book. He was a bethel heavy with about 45 years full time service. He use to tell us he wanted his comments like a "shot gun blast". Short and sweet to the point. Its so nice to know that I was so involved with this brotherly love bull shit for song long!

  • fearnotruth22

    I remmeber a bro offering prayer saying that some people are 2 leg cockaroaches. Everyone just burst out laughing.

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