That thing is not a jokehovian witless, but it is right on par with the leaders of that religion. It has a nationwide ban on smoking, yet that thing has been photographed with a cancer stick (lit) going. (Which is worse than the smoking, or just banning smoking for everyone else while you yourself uphold it by not smoking). Hypocrisy is worse.
And no, that thing is not just against worshiping the sun. It is against anything that hints of modern life. Blue jeans are taboo in that thing's country. There are 15 approved hair styles, and men are limited to 5 centimeters (if they are going bald, it is upped to 7 cm). Music is approved or illegal. It is illegal to buy DVD players or TV sets that can receive Chinese or South Korean programs.
This is proof enough that Christi-SCAM-ity and communism are identical. That scumbag is not a xian, but all the rules are almost identical to strict xians. If it was just against krayst, there are abundant ways to celebrate Christmas without krayst. It is about depriving the soul of anything but stagnation, while enslaving the human being.