For Those Claiming That the GB are Simply Naive - Another Philly Story
by berrygerry 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Wow. Compelling article.
Just one thing... the intro seemed a bit personal (like the journalist, David Gambacorta, is an ex-Witness himself):
"Stephen Lett is 69, bald, and round-faced, with eyes that sometimes spring open to dramatic effect while he’s talking — if you can manage to get an audience with him."
While personal descriptions are good for effect in creative narratives, I don't believe they translate as innocuous in a newspaper, such as The Daily Inquirer. But that's just my personal opinion.
I think the story and facts alone hold enough shock factor. There wasn't really a need to highlight Lett's more negative appearance to add weight to the article.
The Governing Body know at some level what they are. The demonizing of dissenters and doubters, the refusal to talk with the media, the subtle twisting of information, their unwillingness to protect children, the distortion of the past... It's too Orwellian for it to be entirely accidental. Lett's remarks just provide further evidence to those, like myself, who perceive a level of conscious intent in the Governing Body's actions.
They have to be conscious at some level, their livelihood depends on the organization's success. To think that a group of essentially CEOs could be that naive is frankly naive in and of itself.
The first thing that tipped me off to their true motives was the quotes that were blatantly manipulated to fit their narratives in articles. That made me finally stop seeing the organization as merely sincere people that were victims of their own hype.
Then stuff like this happens. Or they fight by reacting information in a ridiculous manner like in the San Diego Court case. Or articles like this come out. You see more and more that the man behind the curtain has a monster within. I've heard stories about people on the governing body that lead me to think that they're exactly what they portray. Crazy, mentally ill, delusional, heartless manipulative bastards at times.
So much abuse goes on. It's horrific. I have podcasts coming up with examples, one that I knew personally, of the organization doing anything to shut these accusers down. People write me all kinds of things, things that I can't report because they aren't those people's stories to tell, but not much shocks me anymore. It's still so heartbreaking to hear though.
Fuck that rubber faced wacko and his cult and the lives they allow to be wrecked with zero help given.
Oh wow, irrefutable proof that Stephen Lett knows that when children are raped by Jehovahs Witnesses within the organization, it gets hushed up. And here he denied it on JWbroadcast - the man is a bare faced liar.
I would not be surprised if Lett was a pedophile.
I was just about to post this.
This article is damning. Maybe even more of a "red pill" than the Candace Conti story.
Unfortunately, if a Witness isn't mentally ready to wake up, this won't even phase them...they'll probably see the tattoo this brave young lady has and then not even read the article because "Tattoo=Satan."
john.prestor .
You defined it best
john.prestor - "The Governing Body know at some level what they are. The demonizing of dissenters and doubters, the refusal to talk with the media, the subtle twisting of information, their unwillingness to protect children, the distortion of the past... It's too Orwellian for it to be entirely accidental. Lett's remarks just provide further evidence to those, like myself, who perceive a level of conscious intent in the Governing Body's actions... They have to be conscious at some level, their livelihood depends on the organization's success. To think that a group of essentially CEOs could be that naive is frankly naive in and of itself."
Very well put.
I've asserted many times by now that, IMO, they know it's wrong...
...but believe it's "true"... the same time.
She was made to hug her rapist.
That is beyond inappropriate. Do these unqualified elders know the psychological damage this can cause the developing brain of a small child?? (or any age for that matter) They are so ignorant and arrogant.
I hope more brave people come forward. The gb needs to pay for all the damage they have caused countless families world wide.