Thank you so much Joe. you got it right from the "horses mouth"so to speak. Happy that you & your wife are free. to enjoy what Christ dies for FREEDOM to THINK!!!!To live life MORE abundently. Best of Luck. oops Good Fortune .Grace
UN sends reply to my inquiry about WTS NGO association- proof at last!
by joe_from_kokomo 55 Replies latest watchtower scandals
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Joe the suspense is killing me
BTW did you grow that beard in defiance to WT
Howza 'bout we all write Isolda Oca and ask them (the U.N.) to post a response like your letter on the U.N. website? We could then send interested ones to that location and it would save Isolda a bunch of time writing responses. If Dubbies say, "It's a lie"...we can then respond with, "Then why doesn't the Society sue them?"
Frannie Banannie
Howza 'bout we all write Isolda Oca and ask them (the U.N.) to post a response like your letter on the U.N. website? We could then send interested ones to that location and it would save Isolda a bunch of time writing responses. If Dubbies say, "It's a lie"...we can then respond with, "Then why doesn't the Society sue them?"
GREAT idea, Bonezz!!!
Frannie B
Very good idea, Bonezz.
I would definitely sign onto that. We could tell Isolda Oca that his life would be easier in the future since he could simply refer people to the UN's web site. If we have enough people sign the petition, maybe it will really happen!
Do you or someone else have Isolda's email ? All I have is this generic email for DPI/ might work ok though. [email protected]
If Dubbies say, "It's a lie"...we can then respond with, "Then why doesn't the Society sue them?"
Also, online jws WILL NOT open a link they suspect is apostate or given out by apostates. The simply won't open the link. If it's officially on official U.N. site there is no arguement of the facts.We could tell Isolda Oca that his life would be easier in the future since he could simply refer people to the UN's web site.
For more information on the US launch, contact Isolda S. Oca
Tel: +1 (212) 963-8305 Email: