Who will be killed at Armageddon?

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    If the current doctrine is that only baptised witnesses are going to survive and everyone else burns them what about this new update new light that some from before the flood and Sodomites will be resurrected?

    but didn’t he mention at the AGM something about there is no point Jehovah killing them and then resurrecting them again?

    It seems they are confused about what they teach and that’s why brother Jackson joked about “is this what we used to believe or what we believe now?”

    my biggest question over this, to JW apologists who say other good unbaptised people will also make it, what about all the unwell children and especially orphans? Will they make it but not their parents? Then there is the problem that they will live with the knowledge that Jehovah murdered my parents? Or will they be resurrected? Then why kill them in the first place? Seems like a lot of unnecessary killing from a merciful God.

    At the AGM they kept saying we must not be dogmatic but if they change the doctrine to you don’t need to be baptised to make it then that changes everything, and this does indeed seem to be what the new light is?

  • no-zombie

    The problem that Witnesses have, is that 90% of the teachings from the Governing Body are just interpretations that can change at their whim ... but are believed as Bible doctrine by the Brotherhood.

    This being said, who are 'the sheep' and who are 'the goats', as well as trying to work out who has committed the unforgivable sin (that would prevent their resurrection), are best guesses ... at best.

    So for a man to stand up in front of 8 million people and say they know 'the truth' about these issues, is beyond all reasonableness and humility, as his stands in God's place by deciding who lives or who dies.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    But there is the problem no zombie, they do say they are Jehovahs channel on earth. They do say you need to be baptised and just hope that maybe unbaptised children of baptised parents will make it. This is what the GB say.

    this was a control mechanism just like hellfire doctrine other religions use.

    if now they are saying “we can’t be dogmatic and we just don’t know, we are not inspired or infallible”

    they lose that control mechanism!

  • Vanderhoven7

    The biggest change in WT doctrine brought out at the AGM is that people can repent after the tribulation starts. That means that these people can become Jehovah's Witnesses before Armageddon strikes and survive into the new system.

    But I don't think that changes anything for those who do not become Jehovah's Witnesses during the tribulation.

    You still have to be a Jehovah's Witness to survive Armageddon. It's still bye bye for 8 billion

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    everybody alive now will die long before armaggedon happens.


    All excellent points and these points reveal how confusing the whole thing is. They kept highligting "we don't know...we can't be dogmatic!" etc. So what are we to conclude now? I see OP's point as well as Vanderhoven's: Do we need to be baptized to survive? WE DON'T KNOW.. Do we NEED to be a JW to survive? "We trust that the alimighty will always do what's right" WTH????

    The more I try to wrap my head around this the more confused I get.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA
    1. Resurrection Doctrine: It used to be that if you were disfellowshipped and died before Armageddon you would be resurrected unless you were really bad. Now, they are saying pretty much everyone will make it through and then during the 1000 year reign everyone can decide if they want to live in paradise

    This changes everything. All those unbelieving spouses that the baptised spouse thought would die at Armageddon, now we are told they won’t die after all.

    This sounds hilarious but it’s true, a lot of sisters with unbelieving husbands thought they just had to endure him a little longer and then they would get a new husband in the new world and now they have been told they will have their current one make it through. 😭

    I don’t think the GB really thought this through. They are so confusing and inconsistent

  • BluesBrother

    I know what has been said about the AGM but I want to hear he the talks fully and in context before I am sure what they are now saying. The devil may be in the detail or what they do not say.

  • jehovaxx

    The entire AGM 2023 was leaked on YouTube.

    what will be interesting is to see how they may edit it for the broadcasts as it’s being released in multiple parts and for some reason out of order.

  • jehovaxx

    November Broadcast showed a couple of the more boring talks with no new light at all.

    This means that rank and file still have not heard the new light unless they hear whispers from what has been leaked.

    until the new light gets released the official old light is that all unbaptised persons alive on earth at Armageddon will be killed. So all JWs are hoping that unbaptised loved ones will die before Jehovah kills them. If they die before, the old light is they will be resurrected so let’s hope they die before. As absurd as that sounds that is what JW official doctrine is until they release the new light.

    Jeff Jackson actually mocks this teaching and very patronisingly give the impression you are so stupid to believe this doctrine. I’d have to agree with him on that one but Jeff, your 8 million have been told to believe that and until you release that talk they will still believe this!

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