Last night, ABC TV's 20/20 aired a one-hour segment entitled "Lies, Myths, and Downright Stupidity", hosted by John Stossel. The intent of the program was to prove that certain commonly held beliefs (such as the myth that exposure to cold makes one catch a cold) are untrue.
Listed as the number one myth was: "Life Is Getting Worse", a look at the common notion that the world has continually become worse as a place to live. Evidence was presented that debunks this claim, such as:
- Life spans have increased markedly druing the past century, especially in the US. On average, Americans live 30 years longer than they did just a century or so ago.
- Pollution of rivers has decreased, largely due to use of and advancements in sewage treatment.
- Pollution of the air has decreased over the past few decades.
- Many killer diseases have been eradicated
- Medical care has improved dramatically
- Crime has been on the decrease generally since the mid-1980s
The program brought to mind some of my experiences with the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, in which I was active for 30 years. For example, on one occasion a few years back I was at a door giving a 'presentation' (Witness-speak for a short sermon) to a householder, and I was making the assertion, as Witnesses are taught, that the world was a bad place that was getting worse. The woman's reply was "yes, but there's much good in the world". I brushed aside her optimism and again claimed that the world was a bad place with insurmountable problems. Again, the woman countered with her belief that there was a lot of good in the world. We went back and forth on the topic for a few minutes, and I kept trying to prove her wrong but to no avail because, as I look back on it, she wasn't wrong. But as all of Jehovah's Witnesses are continually taught (conditioned could be a better word for it) to believe, I simply could not entertain her suggestion that things were not as bad as the Witnesses had portrayed them.
The Witnesses aren't the only group that paint such a bleak picture of the world. Also, there are indeed some large problems that mankind still must grapple with. But the tendency to close one's mind off to the possibilty that things are actually getting better is a classic trait of religious doomsayers, and the simple fact is that the evidence may simply not support their claims after all.