Inane question of the far.

by meat pie 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Hello everyone, this question was asked of me by a 'tame' JW today, 'have you thought of starting smoking?'

    The question was put as if now that I don't go to meetings any more, I'd want to take up smoking! As I'm middle-aged and packed in the fags yonks ago, it was especially stupid.My reply was, 'Good God NO, why would I?'

    You had to be there to really see how stupid it was.

    Hope you are all OK,

    Shirley, meatier than ever.

  • Country_Woman

    Did she look surprised ? after all, when you no longer attend meetings, then they could expect stupid things is'nt it ?

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Hi CW, I wouldn't say she was surprised, a bit disappointed maybe.I have had many interesting conversations with active JWs on the subject of 'not all non-JWs are thieves/liars/perverts etc, I met more crooks and hippocrites in the KH than anywhere else'. They usually start to fizz like the wicked witch of the west about then!

    S, with added meat.

  • Englishman

    One ex told me that her fleshly JW sister had phoned to complain about her own non-exisitent sex-life stating that: "It's OK for you, you can just go and get a man whenever you feel like it, I can't do that."


  • Sargon

    Our witness friends and will beleive anything possible of us once we leave their organisation. It's so drummed in that if you're not for Jehovah, you're against him; they beleive that once we leave the org we lose all sense of moral value.

  • shotgun

    Your answer should have been...

    Funny you mention that, why yes I have, can you tell me what the Governing body have been smokin, cause I'll have some of that.

    When they say that's a stupid answer, that's what you usually get for a stupid question.

  • Joyzabel

    LOL Meaty!! *shaking head* It really is amazing what JW's thinks happen when one leaves their precious "nest".

    Good to see ya, sweetie! How are things up in north where you are at!

    Sorry to have missed you at the last BBQ E-man put on. Maybe another year. How's your son doing with his baseball? (I know, he's not playing in the dead of winter)

    Hugs to you,


  • LittleToe

    I was wondering where you had got to. We must be posting on different threads.

    Good to see you around, even if you are going to be in Minehead during the main British Apostate event of the year

    Daft question? Probably, but they are probably running out of things to pin it down to.

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Hello Eman, Joy, LT and everyone.According to my daughter, my son applied his baseball bat to her knee today, but I didn't see it with my own eyes, she said she got him in a head-lock so I suppose its alright then!(Nothing good on telly) This must really be because I am no longer in the truth and my children are on their way to becoming violent criminals.I look in here from time to time, but I haven't posted in ages.Sometimes I think of saying some thing but there are so many people with big things to sort out. Incidentally, I am still waiting for elders to get back to me on many questions, such as,where in the Bible does it say we need an Earthly Organization?What do other than Society sources say about the Org and the UN? John6; explain...I'm not holding my breath.

    Meanwhile we are bracing ourselves for the V cold weather that is expected, more pies, more pies..

  • LittleToe

    Keep posting, keep posting - you can never have enough meat pies!!!

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