They're a rummily scrumptious lot.
Take breasts for example. From a mans point of view, how much better can life be, when you got a beautiful pair of scrumptious breasts to kiss and cuddle upto.
If God was a breast, I'd love Him to bits.
Breasts. They're ruddy funny things. I do love em, but implanted with those wotsits and I'd run a mile.
Breasts. Warm, comforting, wobbly - you gotta love the damn things. If they're a bit of a handful, some might say, all the better, me? I prefer medium sized melons myself. But tas been fair while since I laid my hands on any. Even if I were to place my hands on any, on a regular basis, I think I'd still be inclined to write about them, they're just soooo beautiful.
Butts are cool and handsome too. A nice pretty butt swaying down the street on a nice fit chick, now that's a sight to behold.
I wonder what it is like being a woman and pretty at that.
If I had breasts I'd want them neither too big and cumbersome nor too small and non existent.
I wonder what it's like walking through rome with a pretty tight ass.
Ruddy dickens, I can half write some tripe sometimes, but what the ruddy hell.
Yes, breasts are gorgeous.
How do you rate your breasts or the breasts of your lover?
Celtic harumphin' with laughter ...