Could a Meteorite have affected the Chistian church?

by gumby 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Valis

    gumby...ya olde bastard..I think he was supposed to have a vision before and important battle where he was told to put the cross as a standard on his shield..he coincidentally won the battle and thereafter converted to Xtianity...stupid head.. emperor..


    District Overbeer

  • gumby


    I think he was supposed to have a vision before and important battle where he was told to put the cross as a standard on his shield..he coincidentally won the battle and thereafter converted to Xtianity...stupid head.. emperor..

    Valis, ye ol' fellow bastard........ain't that ye gumbus is saying here?


  • Valis

    listen false can assume that if a meteorite hit and was big enough to be seen it would have had more historical significance than just some green fruitcake on a discussion board bringing up the topic.


    District Overbeer

  • gumby

    Listen hear you longed haired, jesus lookin, hippy baked, nerdface,

    Eusebius was well known to be the biggest church LIAR on this planet! Your going to use his bogus satan inspired writings to disprove a point the almighty Gumaster has spoken? You will die in your sins young man......die I tell ya!


  • peacefulpete

    Constantine never converted. He continued Solar worship and simply changed the name on the statues. He was never baptized till his deathbed and then only because he was superstitious and the Xtians told him his crimes against the gods and men would be washed away thru the sacrement. Constantine was a lying superstitious fox.

  • peacefulpete

    Wait a second I guess he did convert after all.

  • Kenneson

    It's quite obvious to me that Constantine didn't pay any heed to the purported vision. He didn't conquer with the Cross; he conquered with the sword. Jesus died on the Cross; he never fought with the sword.

  • Satanus


    Maybe constantine made crosses out of high tensile steel, sharpened the edges, and put wooden handles on them. Then he conquored his enemies w these sharpened crosses. We could then say that jesus didn't fight w a sword, but constantine fought w a cross.


  • shotgun

    Gumby..**of the wish upon a falling star class**

    Did Constantine say Jiminy crickets when he saw that falling star.

  • peacefulpete

    That depends upon which Jesus you believe in. "I came not to bring peace but a sword!" "Let he who has no sword sell his garment and buy one!" "He who is not on my side is against me!" "He fashioned a whip and drove the money changes out!"

    Sounds like a Jesus Constantine could relate with.

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