What Motivates You to Expose the "Truth About the Troof" to Active JW's?

by imallgrowedup 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • imallgrowedup

    While responding to another thread, I was thinking about how so many of us talk about trying to help "believing dubs" out from the clutches of the WT, while at the same time, it occurred to me that we probably all have different motivations for doing so. As for me, I am motivated to get my parents out because I think they have the right to know "the whole story" - not just the candy-coated version the WT espouses, so they can make better decisions about how they want to live the rest of their lives. Right now the WT makes all their life decisions for them - including whether or not they should look at what the "other side" has to say about them. They can not make good choices without seeing both sides of the coin. I am also motivated to get them out because I believe in the basic tenants of Christianity which says that they must accept Jesus into their hearts in order to be able to spend eternity with God in Heaven. (I'm not trying to start a debate on whether others believe this or not, I am just saying that if it is true that they must accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior in order to go to Heaven, that they will never have a chance to do so unless they are allowed to look at other views besides those the WT spews.) If, after hearing all views they still chose the WT, I would respect their decision because it would be an informed decision. I wouldn't like it, but I would respect it.

    Anyway ... I'm curious ... what motivates others to get their friends and family out?

    As always - Inquiring Minds Want to Know!


  • TD

    JW's are wrapped up like mummies in layer after layer after layer of inaccurate information and outright lies. I hate seeing good people basing important decisions on bad information.

    If someone wants to be a JW once the bandages are off, fine. Voluntarily walking off a cliff with your eyes wide open is an altogether different thing than going over the edge because you were blindly stumbling along with your face swaddled in bandages

  • Euphemism

    Well, I'm not in a position right now to try to reach any particular active JWs. I do what I can here on this site to promote the dissemination of truth about the WT, partly because I believe in freedom of information as a general principle, and in particular because I believe that freedom of information will be the downfall of the Watchtower.

    As far as reaching individual Witnesses, however, if the opportunity were to present itself, I would do it for two reasons: 1) Everyone has a right to decide how to live their lives; 2) The Watchtower makes people unhappy.

    The Watchtower is kind of a like a drug... it does give you highs... but at great cost. When I was a Witness, I genuinely enjoyed a lot of 'theocratic activities', and the sense of purpose it gave my life, and the feeling of community and solidarity. But I also was deprived of inner peace; I felt like I was repressing a large portion of myself, like I wasn't whole; I wasn't being true to myself.

    I think of friends of mine whom I know in the Watchtower; and they enjoy some of the spiritual aspects of the religion, and the camaraderie. They're not directly suffering from the more extreme Watchtower rules, such as those on blood, or on marriage, etc. But their real selves--the people who they are inside--are constantly bumping up against the imposed Watchtower mindset. The WTS is keeping them from true fulfillment, self-actualization, and hence inner peace.

    I don't believe in an afterlife; I think that this life is all there is. So to be anyone other than who you really are is a waste of a life. And by that standard, the Watchtower is wasting millions of lives.

  • peacebaby

    Hello everyone!

    I'm new on this forum. There is another forum, Pathways-Online, that I frequent, but it's down for repairs. I really miss my friends there, as I've come to know them..... Sharing encouragement, and being encouraged by others who have had similar experiences has helped me along on this journey SO much. One thing hard for me to take was alienation from all my former associations at the KH - whole families that I'd come to know and love - as long as I was at the meetings...So I started reading posts here at JWD, and see many more people that I'd like to get to know! And I see people on the same journey of healing, and re-discovery. There are many, many more broken hearts out there who are feeling alone and overwhelmed by what they're just starting to uncover....... My heart goes out to each one, with a prayer that they will find comfort and solace in turning toward our Heavenly Father and His Son. Through any kind of adversity, They are ALWAYS there for us.

    Religions and the fanatics who support them will be around a while longer, I suppose......but I think the most important thing I've learned since my 'defection from the Corporation' is this: It is all a matter of HEART. In the end it is only between us, individually, and our Creator, the one who draws our hearts to Himself. What He finds there is up to us - no matter what 'organized religion' has burned into our poor befuddled, sense-less brains. May He find our hearts full of love for Him, His Son, and each other.

    I've been 'inactive' for about 6 mo., but haven't been attending meetings for around 3 years, now. I live so far out in the middle of nowhere that I'm not in contact with anyone from my KH. There are a few who bring me new magazines once in a while, but I'm too out-of-the-way to warrant drop-in visits. They always admonish me to go to the meetings, and I always ask if that's the only place they think Jehovah's spirit is? Right there in that building? Yup! I know I've been 'marked' as bad association, or something, 'cause I'm not attending - I've been shunned and I'm not da'd or df'd! My former friends are fearful to talk to me, I think they know that I know something they want to know, but are afraid to know and afraid to ask.........

    I've not told anyone everything I know, except for friends and family who are not JW. I would only be labeled apostate and df'd. I don't know why I'm not ready for that yet - as I'm certain never to return... maybe it's a control issue...

    I look forward to getting to know you better here at JWD. It looks like a friendly place. Oh, and a huge "HOWDY" to one familiar 'face' - a special Blind Zebra that I love! I miss you!

    Peace, baby!

  • blondie

    Hi peacebaby. Having withdrawals.


  • peacebaby

    Hi Blondie! Absolutely having withdrawls! Poor Timothy must have his hands full - sounds like big trouble. You wouldn't believe how much housework I've gotten done since Pathways went offline! Well, then I found this forum again.... but it'll take a while for the dust to pile up! Been mostly reading here - trying to catch-up on the topics and trying to keep the posters straight, which is impossible for me, I'm lousy with names! Nice to 'see' you - I really miss you. I haven't seen you post much lately, but when you do it's always something good! Love and peace to you, Blondie from peacebaby

  • peacebaby

    BZ! - I don't have your addy - here's mine. [email protected]. You write me first, K? Sounds like first graders - I like you, do you like me? I know you do! And I love you and your big heart, too. I can't believe you've already gotten into trouble! Silly zebra! Gotta go for now ---I MISS YOU!

    Love from peacebaby

  • scrubmaster

    I just want people to know that it is Jehovah God we serve and not men. I will not push my opinion on people who leave the organization, but to see people stop believing in Jehovah God saddens me. There has to be a supreme being, I believe the bible is his gift to us. I also want people to realize to not let the actions of men keep them from having a relationship with God. It is he in the end who will judge us and read out hearts. So I just want people to realize that if a principle can not be proven from the bible, then it is up to the individual before God if they want to follow it or not.

  • mouthy

    May He find our hearts full of love for Him, His Son, and each other. Amen to the above I do what I can to help other know the Lie is the LIE!Because I Loved being a JW.. Thought I was "saving lives" THEN!!!! when they ousted me for not believing Jesus came invisably in 1914 I wanted to kill myself. I know there are lots of wonderful folks in the WT .So If God can "use" my ousting in a positive way. I am very greatful....

  • seattleniceguy

    Peacebaby: Welcome!

    Euphemism: Excellent post. You took the words right out of my mouth, and made 'em sound better, too!

    All I can add is that free access to information is the foundation on which educated lives can be lead. When we are denied information, we miss out on whole vistas that we don't even know about. Remembering where I came from, I feel it as a personal responsibility to allow the truth to be known.


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