Ewart Chitty

by NoAbuse 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Is his name pronounced " shitty"?

  • minimus

    Very interesting thread... why did you put up all this Chitty information?

  • James Jack
    James Jack
    He was a Governing Member who was dismissed!
  • minimus

    I know that

  • NoAbuse

    In this photo, we observe Chitty patrolling the crowds of a 60s era convention:

  • AnonymousExJw

    Is that Fred or Raymond Franz?

    The things the "Governing Body" keep secret. I probably would never have known about if I hadn't have found this site. It goes to show that no matter what the GB do to hide their secrets, it always comes out in the end.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    At NoAbuse:

    I think we know was he was patrolling for.

  • NoAbuse

    Chitty addressing a large convention in 1958:

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I was an 18 year old Bethelite when Greenlees and Chitty were on the G.B. I was assigned to the G.B. table and knew all of the "old guard" Knorr, Sidlig etc. I couldn't believe these were the people running the show.

    I once encountered a very old and wisened Chitty on the roof of the building wearing a speedo type baithing suit sunning himself (gag). He had ill fitting dentures and was so thin, he looked like he'd snap in half if anyone bumped into him. Leo Greenlees was very flamboyant in dress and mannerisms and reminded me of an old hoity-toity lady of society that you'd see in an old movie.

    As usual, with my JW trained brain, I chastised myself for questioning what everyone else seemed to be unaware of.

    Nothing said here comes as a surprise. I wish it wouldn't have taken me so many years to listen to my own sensibilities about an organization that would put these obvious creepers, in positions of power.

  • Vidiot

    @ AnonymousExJW...

    Someone here quite recently actually described the WTS as “a secretive organization that was terrible at keeping secrets” (paraphrasing, but not much).


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