Biology Lesson for the gals

by Francois 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I agree with Francoise about the peace that comes from the slacking off of sex drive.

    From 13 to 25 I really could not think straight (pardon the pun) most of the time since I had a majorly high sex drive. And yet, I stayed a virgin. Agony to have to shower with other guys, absolute agony.

    From 25 to 40 my hormones became at least manageable.

    Now post 40 I find that they have dropped off another level and I am not so consumed.

    resolutionlike hugs


  • hunk

    Dear Brother Francoise, don't worry in the new system Jehovah will eliminate PMT and childbirth pain.

    your friend Brother Hunk.

  • OrangeBlossom

    Where can I get an injection of testosterone?

  • wasasister

    Thanks for the complimentary words about my original post. Those of you who know me understand I can get verbose at times. Boiled down to its essence, I was only trying to say:

    Let's not make assumptions about each other because of gender (or race) and show some respect.

    I agree with your point that men are also driven by certain chemicals they cannot control. The difference (if there is one), is that men have never been denied a job based on the fact that their hormones might interfere with their job performance - women have. When I was growing up, I can remeber otherwise intelligent people saying we could never have a woman president because she would not be able to handle stressful situations during certain times of the month.

    I think Bill Clinton finally put to rest any question about men's hormones affecting job performance.

    By the way, Franciose, I always enjoy your posts.


  • Prisca

    Umm.. great comments, Francois but your reasoning about males being led by their "little heads" seems to ignore the fact that women can be lead just the same by similar hormones.

    We can be just as sex-crazy as you men - we're just more demure about it!

    Hiding behind her cloak of female passivity,

  • Tina

    Hi Sis!
    I made no assumptions. What I read I read and stand by that.
    I was responded to arrogantly and disprespectfully. I rest my case.

    Looking forward to more posts from ya! :D luv,Tina

  • Francois

    Tina, your perceptions are your problem. You deal with 'em.

    If the fact that I'm a professional writer makes it seem like I think I know it all when I express an opinion, and you resent that, that's your problem, too. However, concise expression of an opinion means no such thing, as intelligent people realize.

    I'm done with responding to you and your small-minded bullshit.


  • Tina

    oh please Franc tell us agin about how you're a pro writer,,,,eyeroll
    For a pro. you missed the point of her whole post LOL.......fuck you too.

  • AcapulcoGold

    fran - just when i was starting to feel so all alone - a kindred spirit arrives on the scene - yes there is a god.

    hunk - will jehovah let us wear really bad drag drag queen looking wigs in the new system?.


  • pmf

    Whoa, Tina! Are you ALWAYS on the rag? Please do something about those cramps! Quick!


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