Come on, any searchers of the sacred divine in here?
OK, Who is reading the "DA VINCI CODE?" and blown away by some of the stuff
by NoBorg 14 Replies latest jw friends
You're not serious, are you?
That book's a work of fiction. The idea that the Catholic church has been engaged in a co-ordinated historical conspiracy throughout the ages strains credulity.
Here's an article on that topic:
Not the obvious stuff, but the side points about the symbolism of misc items. Just smacks of how much we were NOT told as JW's and what we were told relating to symbolism was to suit the thinking of the 'moment'.
Hi NoBorg,
I loved it. Here's a thread I started about it after I read it.
I also really enjoyed Angels and Demons by the same guy. But another of his books wasn't nearly as good.
I loved it, and think that while it is just a story, there might be a little truth there too.
Another really good one by the same author is Angels and Demons.
Yes, my wife ( as you know ) is going to get that next. She read it and just loved all the little tidbits in it. It's a very interesting book. I will be reading that next.
Have you started it yet?
PAT sorry, I didn't see your post until now. I looked up a number of the items and he stretches reality pretty thing to reach his conclusions. Nevertheless it gives new meaning to there being "nothing new under the sun".
Since you were just at the Lourve ( I have been as well, amazing! ) I thought it was interesting that the pyramid entrance structure has 666 panes of glass in it. Can that be verified? Anyone in France want to go count them?
By the way Mulan congrats on the South Beach. I lost 14lb's on it.
I have kept it off for the most part too.
I read it right before I went to France last month.
Definitely interesting, some historical truths (the theory about the holy grail being the search for the remains of Mary Magdalene, etc.) but other than that, pure, amusing, well written fiction.
I read the book and loved it. Some of the history in the book is indeed fact and some is fiction. If you do a personal study of the history of the church, you will see for yourself which is fact and fiction.