What do you collect?

by FlyingHighNow 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    flying...I was going on the basis that Shaft is an illiterate slob and couldn't have possibly known about the new quarters...*LOL* Really though, I collect them for the kids, but am slightly reluctant to give them the sets till they get much older. Can you imagine the temptation as a child...all those quarters framed on the wall....*LOL* you can just see the barbies and candy floating round their heads...*LOL*

    Now now... do you really think that I collect urine and poo?

    *LOL* brings a new meaning to the term Great Attractor...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • FlyingHighNow
    flying...I was going on the basis that Shaft is an illiterate slob....Valis the thread policeman

    Yeah, until you remembered that Shaft could read and type and all that stuff.

    Hey, back in my day you really could buy candy and Barbies and stuff like that with quarters. My heart still leaps when I see a quarter lying there on the sidewalk or somewhere. That is until I remember that it's the year 2004 and some places it costs a dollar to buy a measly pack of gum.

    Hey anyone who posted about your collections today or yesterday and I missed commenting on them. I'll try to later. This has turned out to be a great thread. Excepting Shamus' crappy addition. Or should I say Shamus' pissy addition?

    Thanks everyone.


  • shamus

    LOL! I deserved that for busting in...

    I don't really collect anything, except for pictures from all my climbing and hiking in the Canadian Rockies. I would love to design a website but have no idea how to do it. (Nor the geek involved book worming that it would take to learn, LOL)

    My brother used to collect fossils, and had an amazing collection by 18. He still has all of it.

    My cousin paid for going to college (to become a teacher) by selling his hockey cards. He had thousands upon thousands from the 70's.

  • FlyingHighNow
    LOL! I deserved that for busting in...Shamus

    You are here by redeemed.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    What do you collect?

    I collect movies. Currently I have over 700 one videotape.

    But right now my passion is collecting old NFL games. My oldest game is Super Bowl III, play for play including commercials. It's a riot watching a cigarette commercial!

  • FlyingHighNow
    It's a riot watching a cigarette commercial! Big Tex

    Big Tex, Andy I checked out some of those old NFL comedy films lately. You know, like the ones they would play in slow motion to classical music?

    I love the old cigarette commercials? Which one was it? The Benson And Hedges ones were funny as well as the Teraton I'd rather fight than switch. Who can forget Virginia Slims? You've come a long, long way.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Love to find things centuries old - particularily if personal in some way. A touch back in time. Waiting

    Waiting, I love looking at history. That's one reason I like cemeteries. For some reason the ones down south are far more interesting than these Michigan ones. I can squint my eyes sometimes and almost see the mourners standing near a 150 year old grave.

    I'd love to collect the modern furniture as well, but damn, that's stuff can get expensive; i.e, $3,000.oo+ for a Barcelona Pavilion chair and ottoman One day I want to collect BMW's Winston Smith : > D

    Winston, $3000 for a chair and ottomon? You could furnish two rooms for that. They must be beautiful.

    And "TV Guides"....which I have been collecting since 1967. I have many boxes of them. They are a real trip down nostalgia lane for the TV buff. Truman

    Truman, I'd love to see the ones from the 1960s and 70s. TV seemed so magical in the 60s. I guess it might be because I was a child. I do like the way it was kept a little more innocent so that children could be children. We thought make love meant for someone to talk lovingly to their lover or kiss and hug. Parents knew but we kids could live in our kid world.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I love the old cigarette commercials? Which one was it?

    Oh gosh, I don't know! There's one about a guy getting a black eye because he'd rather fight than switch brands. Which cigarette is that?

    Although you know what's interesting is seeing famous stars in commercials before they got famous. Let's see there's one with Farrah Fawcett for a toothpaste commercial (naturally). I remember Danny Aiello in a Lowenbrau commercial. And there's one with Dustin Hoffman in a car (VW?) commercial.

  • FlyingHighNow
    There's one about a guy getting a black eye because he'd rather fight than switch brands. Which cigarette is that?

    That's Tereton or is it Teraton? Yes, very funny.


  • sens

    lol @ flyinghigh....nah i keep them on a comp i call my virus box.

    shamus totally gross!!

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