What do you believe in?

by Joysome 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel

    Sounds like you are at a crossroad in life. What an excellent opportunity to just let go and begin again...re-group. Take a look at where you are at in life, what you want, what you need. Research your own perceptions and your cognition about life.

    Sounds scary, but actually, it can be a wonderful journey. Trust your instincts. Seek answers to your questions. Meditate, read. You are free now to look beyond the mindset of only one group of people.

    Learn to love yourself first and branch out from there. One day at a time.


  • DevonMcBride

    Hi Joysome and welcome.

    I believe in a god but not the one portrayed in the bible.


  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Welcome Joysome!

    I believe in God. Not the way the JW's depict him as being. I walk in the woods and feel the wind on my face and I think of him. I see the color of the fall leaves and admire them and think of him. I look at the deer in my feeder and think of him.....I look at everything new in the spring and think of him. I don't buy the JW's story about him. I know he cares about us. Thats all I need right now. One day at a time. Stop and look around you. Don't worry about what's next. Enjoy your newfound freedom.

    I'm sooooo happy to be out of that religion. I wonder about alot of things too. We can't answer everything. And....neither can the WTS. Look inside yourself......thats the most important step.

  • Puternut

    I believe in wholesome sex............

  • Flash

    I stopped attending the Hall 2 years ago. The conclusion I came to is the Witnesses have the truth about God but that hasn't prevented them from behaving like a cult, narrow and controling. I still worship Jehovah but as an individual. I live be His standards not elitest humans.

  • seven006


    What exactly do you consider an elitist human? Someone intelligent enough to look beyond dogmatic theology?

    BTW, you spelt elitist wrong.


  • Satanus

    I believe i'll have a drink

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Welcome, Flash.

    Nice to hear from you.


  • Carmel

    Joy, you now have the freedom to explore the world of belief systems without guilt or fear. Like you, I had many of the same questions way back in the 60's when I walked away. I went to dozens of churches, all with dissapointing results, but when I began university, I consumed books on other religions, versions of chistianity, from Jesuit Catholics to Baptist "scholars", if you can call them that! After several years of searching, I decided that there was a commonality in all the faiths, but couldn't get past some of my early indoctrination by the Jdubs. So I walked away from all "religious" investigation and got on with life. My formal education in science led me to belief in an ordered universe, one far too orderly to be a random series of happy accidents. Participated in endless discussions with aspiring atheists and died-in-the-wool bible thumpers. After many years of seeing myself as agnostic, a faith found me! I was not looking for a religion or "spirituality" just leading my life and succeeding in my work and family rearing. Moral to story? Relax, be open minded and careful that you can "test the spirits". I trust you will find the answers you are looking for if you always are open to re-examining your beliefs, whatever they might be.

    BTW, welcome to the board...l


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I believe life is short, like a midget

    can't live it to rigid

    can't follow rules, or biblical law

    gonna take a chance and take some D raw

    uncut like driven snow

    read the Koran and he didn't know

    read the bible felt really rich

    prayed to Budhha with a can of tuna fish.

    Can life be any more confusing

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