That's rough. Sorry to hear that.
I'm one sick puppy
by logansrun 17 Replies latest jw friends
Mmmm, sardines on bread with mayo and onions and sliced tomatoes . . . . (Sorry, logansrun.)
Gee Whiz, So sad you were sick on those oily sardines, you should have called my you know , because Orangefatcat loves sardines. But not ones that you have pucked up .
Aren't I gross??? I hope you feel fine soon really I do
Love orangefatcat
Brad, sardines are very very of my girlfriend's ate some and developed a horrible rash.........I think it's all the crap they dump in the water that makes em so poisonous they tell you not to eat liver cuz of all the toxic waste it absorbs from the food and water we drink and eat..................anyhoo, I LOVED sardines when I was a kid. My grandfather used to feed them to me when I was only a mom was horrified, til she saw that I loved them! Get better, and maybe you should stay away from the sardines for awhile.............
ewwwwwww, I had food poisoning last year from some bad pizza. I have never been so sick. I couldn't even keep crackers down, and existed on chips of ice for twelve hours.
I sure hope you get over this soon. My stomach was so sore afterwards, and I was very weak. "Poison" is sure the right word for it.
So sorry you're feeling badly Logan. I've never had food poisoning, but when I'm nauseous I drink tea and eat Baked Lays. The tea keeps me hydrated and the salt on the Lays makes my tummy settle. (Regular Lays is too oily.) Might want to try it and see if it works.
johnny cip
logan; sorry you got food poisoning. but just think it could have been worst! you could have got SPRITUAL FOOD POISONING again. and you know how long your sick from that rotten food. In a way the 24 hour food poisoning is a blessing i disguise. in one day you vomit up all the poison and feel better... wow what a relieve.. feel better. john
Yikes, try to hydrate now Logan.