I Thought I Was a Goner (Again)!

by Stephanus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel


    Please go to the doctor and keep up to date on what medications you need.

    Life is too short and too precious.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Heather: Don't worry , I seem to be past the worst of it. I've been through it often enough to know the value of hitting it hard and fast; as long as you can get enough meds in quickly enough, you'll usually be fine.

    Okayyyy, but seriously, you said yourself you were thinking of your last words. We are all expecting you to get to the doctor as soon as possible. We want a report, right JWDers? And please tell your children and others to call the ambulance if you get so sick again. This is really scary, Stephanus, especially for those of us who have lost friends or loved ones to asthma.

    Satan's Little Helper, I am glad you were saved by the Stanely pliers. Isn't it chilling to think how fragile human beings really are; and how easily we could all be pushing up daisies? Really, in a fraction of a second it can all be over.

    Still very concerned!


  • luna

    I don't know what it is w/ Asthma lately. It seems to be really bad this year.

    I have it really bad, also, and have been having a non-stop attack since before xmas, really. It was so bad my lungs had partially collapsed....which is not a fun feeling.

    The Doc has me on all sorts of crazy meds, and weeks of prednisone, which i hate, but it works.

    Stephanus, I know it's scary as hell when those attacks happen. I doubt that your heart is having any adverse reactions to the medicine tho'. It just feels like it, because all the steriods make your heart rate jump, and then you get all jittery. I have chest pains all the time when i'm on doses and doses of medicine, but I think my heart is actually probably the strongest organ in my body....at least I haven't had any heart issues yet. Just lungs.

    GO TO THE DOC!! I put it off and put it off before xmas, thinking "oh, it's just another attack, it'll get better", but then i started feeling just crap awful, and super tired, tired of not being able to breathe....and the doc ended up finding out that not only were my lungs collapsing, but I also had a bit of pneumonia on top of all the asthma, and that was making everything even worse....so, it pays to go get it all sorted out.

    They'll probably put you on a major prednisone regiment, but it seems to kick the asthma while you're on it.....



  • Stephanus
    Stephanus, I know it's scary as hell when those attacks happen. I doubt that your heart is having any adverse reactions to the medicine tho'. It just feels like it, because all the steriods make your heart rate jump, and then you get all jittery. I have chest pains all the time when i'm on doses and doses of medicine, but I think my heart is actually probably the strongest organ in my body....at least I haven't had any heart issues yet. Just lungs.

    Yep, I thought as much. It's just as you say that with all the heightened alertness and achey chest muscles and racing heart, it's easy to imagine a heart problem.

    Okayyyy, but seriously, you said yourself you were thinking of your last words. We are all expecting you to get to the doctor as soon as possible. We want a report, right JWDers?

    Okay, here's the dirt: I went to the doc's this arvo (earliest convenience, really, I wasn't trying to put it off). I was under the misapprehension that Serevent is a preventer, which it apparently isn't; it's like a slow release Ventolin. So I've been put on Seretide, which is half one thing (preventer, I think) and half steroid. I've also been given a (small) jar of Prednisone in case I have another severe attack. I've been basically fine since yesterday evening. Thanks for the concern, everyone.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you for the update, Stephanus.

    Keep on taking care of yourself. Glad you went to the doc and got to the bottom of the problem.


  • SYN

    Hi Steph, hope you're feeling better soon!!!

  • Stephanus
    Hi Steph, hope you're feeling better soon!!!

    I feel fine now, thanks Syn.

    I see you've got a birthday approaching; what are your plans?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hey Stephanus,

    How are you feeling today? Whatever day you read this again. Just wondering if the new med situation is serving you well. Let us all know how you are, okay?


  • outnfree


    I am so sorry to hear about your own close brush with death and the loss of your daughter to asthma.

    You said:

    As said above, I thought it was all over and that I wasn't even going to be able to have my last few "making peace/going home/death bed confession" moments. That was among the more annoying thoughts that I had

    It must be quite scary for your boys (and your nephew) to have seen you so helpless, and to feel helpless themselves. (((Stephanus' boys)))) You might want to consider writing out those peace-making, death bed confessions for your loved ones right now and then put them with your will or trust papers so you have no regrets. Write some love letters telling those you love all the things you find hard to say out loud.

    Of course, now you've gone to the doctor and gotten a preventative-type drug , I'm hoping you'll have to write LOTS of updates.


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