(another song suggestion: a revamp to an old Jahova classic, same music)
move your ass
move your ass
till twenty-thirty-four
its the will of our god
this world lingers on some more
joyfully keep on milking your retirement fund
for there is much work to be done
we have to slave for the kingdom, it's true
Jesus is busy so you'll have to do!
don't make God Jehovah destroy you
and then you'll know love that's divine
move your ass
move your ass
till twenty-thirty-four
just like in seventy five
only fiftynine years more
you'll find the time will go by so fast
when you disown fam'ly,friends and past
though wicked hearts among you e'en say
"I'll kick the bucket long before that day!"
for your offspring to be programmed do always pray
and then you'll know joy that's divine
move your ass
move your ass
to twenty-thirty-four
for a delay of game
is chance to even the score
shove some older issues in an old mailbox
and hope that no one answers your knocks
though the Faithful Slave treats you like shit
just be thankful for the manna you get
and beware of sites on the internet
and then you'll know nothing! (that's divine).