song 287: Move Your Buttocks

by gitasatsangha 10 Replies latest social humour

  • gitasatsangha

    (another song suggestion: a revamp to an old Jahova classic, same music)

    move your ass
    move your ass
    till twenty-thirty-four
    its the will of our god
    this world lingers on some more

    joyfully keep on milking your retirement fund
    for there is much work to be done

    we have to slave for the kingdom, it's true
    Jesus is busy so you'll have to do!
    don't make God Jehovah destroy you
    and then you'll know love that's divine

    move your ass
    move your ass
    till twenty-thirty-four
    just like in seventy five
    only fiftynine years more

    you'll find the time will go by so fast
    when you disown fam'ly,friends and past

    though wicked hearts among you e'en say
    "I'll kick the bucket long before that day!"
    for your offspring to be programmed do always pray
    and then you'll know joy that's divine

    move your ass
    move your ass
    to twenty-thirty-four
    for a delay of game
    is chance to even the score

    shove some older issues in an old mailbox
    and hope that no one answers your knocks

    though the Faithful Slave treats you like shit
    just be thankful for the manna you get
    and beware of sites on the internet
    and then you'll know nothing! (that's divine).

  • willyloman

    Dude! My new favorite song.

  • Nosferatu
    move your ass
    move your ass
    till twenty-thirty-four

    ROTFLMFAO!!! You had me busting a gut by this point!


    OMFG!!! You used a bastardized JW word!!

  • joenobody

    Ah yes "e'en" - the lousy WT songwriter's best friend to a two syllable problem lyric - make a new contraction!

  • Nosferatu

    One line i remember from a Kingdom Melody was "the whole world o'er". I remember repeatedly seeing that and thinking, "can they do that?"

  • Euphemism

    ROFL! Great stuff.

  • gitasatsangha

    my favorite kingdom melody contractions were "heav'n" (not to be confued with it's rarer sibling heavn's) and giv'n.

    thanks for all your kind comments.

    -lighting up a bowl for god's kingdom.

  • bebu

    I think it'd be even better if the last verse was written:

    Though the Faithful Slave treats you like shit
    just be thankful for the manna you gitand beware of sites on the internit
    and then you'll know nothing! (that's divine).

    But I enjoyed this very much--and I don't even know the melody!!

    I've heard that "Kingdom Melodies" are often awkward in their lyrics and meter, so it looks like you could have made an improvement in that regard, too (but I don't know the original in order to make the comparison), because it flows so nicely.

    Excellent! Very humorous!


  • kgfreeperson

    Well, rats, I know people have posted links to kingdom melodies, but I don't know how to use the search function. Can someone supply a link? I know this, hilarious as it is, is even funnier if you know what it is parodying!

  • Nosferatu

    Here's the link to the Kingdom Melodies (there's only 225):

    I'm guessing it's a parody of "Move Ahead". Here's the original lyrics:

    Song 123



    (Hebrews 6:1)

    1. Move ahead, move ahead to maturity!

    It’s the will of our God that we gain ability.

    Try your best to improve in your ministry,

    And then our God your work will bless.

    There is a place in the service for all;

    It is the work Jesus did, you’ll recall.

    Look to God that you thus at no time may fall.

    Keep standing firm for righteousness.

    2. Move ahead, move ahead, boldly witnessing!

    Everlasting good news to all sorts of people bring.

    Joyfully praise Jehovah, our God and King,

    By witnessing from door to door.

    Though wicked foes tend to cause you to fear,

    Do not shrink back, but let ev’ryone hear

    Gladsome news that the Kingdom of God is near.

    Declare the truth yet more and more.

    3. Move ahead, move ahead; always follow through

    And improve in your skills, for there’s so much work to do!

    Let God’s spirit keep on motivating you

    And make you know joy that’s divine.

    Love all the brothers for God’s own name’s sake;

    With them in weekly assemblies partake.

    And assist them good progress each day to make,

    Together letting your lights shine.

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