Can you get Df'd for playing the lottery?
by Agent Smith 23 Replies latest jw friends
Playing the lottery is gambling. Gambling is prohibited for JWs. If you played the lottery and won something big enough to make the local news, then there would be a judicial meeting to discuss your "wrongdoing". If you're a good enough actor, you could display repentance and just get reproved. If not, DFing would be in order. The same applies for gambling in casinos.
Edited to add: I remember the elders in one old hall I was in said that even if the lottery ticket was a gift and you accepted the money, you would face judicial action. This was stated from the platform.
I remember the first time I went in a hotel/casino. I felt like I was sinning by just being in the building. I wasn't gambling, just staying there. I've since gotten over it and now play some slots.
I'm curious though, where in the Bible is gambling prohibited? Is there any direct law or rule about not gambling? What do fundamentalist churches use in the Bible to support condemning gambling?
Yes -- I know of an incident where a brother and sister got reproved for gambling -lottery is gambling
There is, of course, no direct prohibition of gambling in the Bible. The JW's prohibit gambling on the basis that one who gambles becomes a "greedy person," who, according to 1 Corinthians 5, "will not inherit the kingdom." Also, gamblers rely on the "god of good luck" mentioned in the NWT at Isaiah 65:11.
Apparently the only way one can become a "greedy person" is to gamble, since I've never heard of anyone being df'ed because, for example, they worked so many hours to make money that they neglected their family. I've known Witnesses who were downright obsessed with making money, who were never hauled before a judicial committee for being "greedy".
And while JW's superstitiously avoid any mention of "luck," they have no problem with saying that a certain turn of events was "fortunate". Of course, as any dictionary will tell you, the definition of "fortunate" is "lucky" and vice versa; the two words are nearly exact synonyms. In fact, many other translations use the phrase "god of fortune" at Isaiah 65:11.
only if you get caught
I talked to many disfellowshipped brothers who admitted that they played lotto even when they were active JW's.
So, like blondie said, try not to get caught.
It's a joke...The stock market is high stakes gambling and is approved, using the Urim and Thummin was gambling. Moses kept rolling snake eyes.
It'd be hard to hide it if you won the jackpot. Then again, who needs the troof when you've got millions of dollars? I bet many would still be your "friend" even if you were DFd.
There's no way to claim it through a lawyer and remain anonymous? That would be a bummer if you were in the FBI Witness Protection Program (no pun intended). Maybe you could change your name and get plastic surgery.
Blondie (who only plays blackjack)
Here's what would have happened in my old congregation.
Elder Judicial committee: So, it was reported to us that you were seen on the news because you won the lottery?
Upstanding pioneer woman: well yes, it was the first time that I ever bought lottery tickets, I only bought three, three dollars isn't a big deal. I sometimes spend more than that on coffee and doughnuts during service stops.
Elder Judicial committee: I seeee, well how much was it that you won again?
Upstanding pioneer woman: I took it in one lump sum and after taxes it comes out to $43,000,000.
Elder Judicial committee: My my my, that's a big sum of money. I think gambling for that amount of money might just be a disfellowshipping offense.
Upstanding pioneer woman: But I've never been in trouble for anything, and I've been a regular pioneer for 5 years living on the edge of poverty. Some good forune can't be that bad. Please don't make it a disfellowshipping matter.
Elder Judicial committee: Oh, but it is a disfellowshipping matter, whether we like it or not.
Upstanding pioneer woman: (crying) please, my whole family and all my friends are in the truth, they'll all hate me if I get disfellowshipped. I'm so sorry, if I could do it over I wouldn't have bought those 3 lottery tickets.
Elder Judicial committee: Well, if you're truly sorry that you bought the tickets, then maybe we could look past your transgression and make everything go back the way it was.
Upstanding pioneer woman: (sniffeling) really, how?
Elder Judicial committee: well, I think the society would really appreciate a donation of $43,000,000 don't you?
Upstanding pioneer woman: (crying again) I guess that wold make sense, I was being so selfish trying to keep the money for myself. I'm so sorry brothers.
Elder Judicial committee: Well sister, that is what we are here for. Hmmm, you know. I don't know if the society would accept money that they knew was from the result of gambling. You should probably make the check out to the three of us here. We'll make sure that it gets donated properly to the society.
Upstanding pioneer woman: Ok brothers, thank you for the help. Here is the check.