Do I have to be enrolled?!!! Question

by Doubtfully Yours 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    As you all know, I'm still a JW in 'good standing' albeit labeled 'spiritually weak' because I miss many meetings and turn in the lowest service time possible each month. All part of the slowest 'fade' ever known.

    Having said that, I'm always looking for ways to minimize interaction with the JW Organization. So, my question is..... Do I really have to be enrolled in the ministerial school and give parts, or can I not be enrolled and still be considered a JW in 'good standing'???

    I'm running low in excuses and I just never want to give another part in the school ever again!


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I am sure you don't *have* to be enrolled in the school to be in good standing. They'll just pressure you alot. Develop "social anxiety." Illness is always a good 'scuse.


  • cruzanheart

    You don't have to be enrolled in the TMS to be a Witness; as for "good standing," they will look suspiciously at you if you're not, but illness, as Country Girl said, is always a good excuse.


  • RunningMan

    It depends on what you consider "good standing". If you're not in the TMS, you would not be allowed responsibilities, like becoming a Ministerial Servant or Elder. I doubt if your pioneer application would be approved.

    You would probably be considered "weak", but if you had a good enough excuse, you could probably avoid being blacklisted.

  • Sassy

    I know a lot of people who were not in the school..........including elders wives.. they of course do not encourage it.. but they can't force you to be on it.. as long as you attend some meetings and get in that "minimum hour' service time each month, you can't be reported as inactive..

    Just say you just are too nervous and can't handle right now being on the school.. tell them when you are able, you will rejoin.. that should pacify them for a while..

  • Yerusalyim

    You're already spiritually weak, go for it. If you need an excuse, pee yourself on stage once...that'll convince them you really do have anxiety.

  • sandy

    When I was trying to get out of the school without having to tell the school overseer I just cancelled five talks in a row due to illness. I felt guilty at first knowing the part would fall on somebody else. But I got over that real quick.

    The overseer stopped assigning me parts. Maybe that will work for you.

  • blondie
    When I was trying to get out of the school without having to tell the school overseer I just cancelled five talks in a row due to illness

    I've see that work with some school overseers. They take you out of the rotation out or irritation. Don't call and cancel either, just don't show up.

    I just asked to be taken off under further notice due to family responsibilities. Don't offer any details. Just keep on walking after you say it.

    I also knew many elders' wives that weren't in the school.


  • orangefatcat

    Sassy you and I think on the same line, such as I have a problem with my nerves.

    Blondie I did that too from time to time just not show up for a talk.

    They can't do anything to you for that. Like Blondie said even elders wives don't all give talks.

    Trust me they can't hold it against you. I would use these exact reasons myself. Sandy you said the same thing.

    Don't great minds work well together????

    As always

    OrangefatcatOrange Fat Cat 15 Cool Heart

  • shamus

    Just drop it. Tell them that you're not feeling well and you want to "suspend" your talking privleges. That is an even better way for them to forget about you.

    The other way, too, is to take a big step and become irregular. It bothered me becoming irregular, but I never looked back. The other thing that bothered me was when I did majic mushrooms for the first time, and killed that guy down the street, LOL!

    But I am being serious here. Quit the school. (Murder does not usually follow, although sometimes I wonder..)

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