Maybe some pictures from WT publications that depict govnment builldings and churches being burned and blown up will open their eyes to Watchtowers real thoughts towards them.
CALL TO ACTION: Write the United Nations!
by seattleniceguy 75 Replies latest watchtower scandals
wow, i hope this works
It will work if we each individually take action. Please spread the word. I just sent my letter. I guess the tally is now 1. SNG
you know this will be seen as an attack on the remnant by the wild beast of revelation, dont you? if the UN do this, then we'll be making WTS prophecy come true folks!
It's worth the postage stamp to give this campaign a try whether the UN listens or not.
I've often wondered why they never penalized the WT for NOT supporting the UN.
The UN is a political organization which means they will try their damndest to be "politically correct." This action you want them to take is anything but. The UN, rightfully, stays out of religious matters. That's basically what this is -- a religious matter.
The UN has nothing to gain by posting information which will be derogratory of a worldwide religious faith. Stroking the apostates dicks is not exactly on their agenda. The UN has already provided plenty of information to individuals regarding the Watchtower's NGO status with the UN. This information is easily found all over the net and in the most recent version of Crisis of Conscience. Honestly, what more needs to be done?
Letters of this sort will only make many ex-JWs look like a bunch of fanatical dissidents out for revenge against their former religion. And, if by some miracle this action is taken, the WT will only point to it as a fulfillment of prophecy ala their "persecution complex." I thin more harm than good would come of this action.
But hey, if you think otherwise...good luck.
I forgot to add:
Let's remember the JWs have done nothing wrong or illegal in their peripheral affiliation with the UN. The only inconsistency is in the WT's theological understanding of what they feel the UN represents. That's not illegal it's just plain stupid. Again, the UN will never bash another religion on their website. It just aint gunna happen.
posting information which will be derogratory of a worldwide religious faith
Bradley: We're not asking for any derogatory information to be posted. You acknowledge as much when you recommend that we
remember the JWs have done nothing wrong or illegal in their peripheral affiliation with the UN.
Basically, we're saying, you've received hundreds of letters asking for confirmation of a fact. This indicates that there are many people out there who would like to be able to confirm a simple fact easily and reliably. You can continue to answer letters, but we, the tens or hundreds of people who are writing you, ask that you consider a more permanent form: a simple page. Seems like a reasonable thing for the Department of Public Information to do. If a million people wrote asking what the lunch menu was, they would probably consider posting it on their web site.
There is no attack. We're not asking for a headline on the front page with an "Expose!" starburst and a link to the article. I'm looking for a page at that states the facts. Calm down, Bradley. It's okay.
Why would you send a letter to the UN about the WTS being an NGO when they are no longer affiliated with the UN at this time. Perhaps they have re-established themselves as an NGO after they quit. Is that so?
I don't see any "bashing" in what SNG is suggesting. Logan, you are correct that the WTBTS actions only appear scandalous from an insider's point of view. I don't blame the UN for being puzzled as to what the kerfuffle is all about. I like SNG's neat solution. You and I both know that the "apostates" could put out an ad in the New York Times for the next ten years, and the UN would still be flooded with letters.
If you don't try it, you'll never know what they might have done. Mine is on its way an email to Isolda. I think there's a chance because it's going to save them a lot of time by just referring people with questions to a particular page and not having to answer each one. I think the fact that this board represents people from many nations may have an influence too.