“It is possible to reconstruct aminoacids in a lab, but not possible to make twenty aminoacids and then to connect and fold them into proteins. ”
If something was possible by chance then it would be possible in lab?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
“It is possible to reconstruct aminoacids in a lab, but not possible to make twenty aminoacids and then to connect and fold them into proteins. ”
If something was possible by chance then it would be possible in lab?
"If something was possible by chance then it would be possible in lab?"
By chance ?
While I am here, my thanks go to Cofty for his succinct summary and explanation of Evolution and Abiogenesis. And to others who have added to what his post said.
I appreciate what Cofty and you guys do.
(is the Nick lane Book "Life Ascending" , rather than "Arising" or are they different books please ?).
I found this an interesting comment on another Site about Abiogenesis :
" Before DNA was RNA, which serves a similar function but is less stable. Before that there was no life. The RNA came first - it forms spontaneously on basaltic glass. Life started when a bit of self-replicating RNA got caught up in a lipid bubble."
Thanks Phizzy - Yes it's Life ascending. Actually that book only has one chapter on abiogenesis. A more thorough study of the subject is in The Vital Question. Warning - it's quite hard going.
EXb - where are you quoting from?
Who says amino acids can't combine into proteins in the lab?
Chance or intelligent design? - neither.
The correct answer is evolution by natural selection.
Evolution by natural selection is chance at the start.
Cofty I was quoting another member Vidquin from the last page.
my question is - something possible by chance (the origin of the simplest cell) should be possible to recreate in a lab?
but no you can never get something from nothing.
im talking right at the start the origin of life, the very first simplest cell, or the very first thing that is supposed to have evolved into the simplest cell.
Evolution by natural selection is chance at the start - what does this even mean?!
If you or others find abiogenesis difficult to accept, remember this: it only had to happen once. Just once, in all the billions of years this planet has existed.
something possible by chance (the origin of the simplest cell) should be possible to recreate in a lab? - it is possible. But how do we recreate the conditions exactly as they were, two or three billion years ago?
It is possible to reconstruct aminoacids in a lab, but not possible to make twenty aminoacids and then to connect and fold them into proteins. For that one needs instructions as from the DNA in the nucleus.
Yes, they can be synthesized in a lab. The emphasis here on "synthesized."
syn•the•size \-ˌsīz\ verb
-sized; -siz•ing verb transitive 1830
1: to combine or produce by synthesis
2: to make a synthesis of
Inc Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. (Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc., 2003).