"The women make monkeys or dupes of men. The men have before effeminate, soft and easily influenced and have lost their real manhood and sturdiness in the affairs of state and home. For instance, when men are sitting at a table and a woman approaches, all the men arise and pay her homage and thereby elevate her to a place above men. The men remove their hats upon entering an elevator, if a woman is present; and these things are said to be acts of respect and to show that man is a gentleman. But it is subtle, and the real meaning is much different from that. It is a scheme of Satan to turn men away from God and from his announced rule of the proper position of man and woman. The Lord has declared that no effeminate man shall inherit the kingdom of heaven (I Corinthians 6:9). This proves that the scheme or habit of paying homage to women is not of God, but from the great enemy of God. It is a veneer of being a proper thing, and therefore it is more subtle than otherwise." (Vindication, Volume I, pp. 155-157)
Rutherford's Views on Women
by Leolaia 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hmph. Sounds like he was BEGGING for a spanking.
Great quote Leolaia. !! Thats the last time I offer my seat on the bus to some old lady. She's nothing but an evil servant of Satan! She can go to hell.
Its really clear to see why God chose this guy Rutherford to be his true and faithful servant.
Somewhere he was similarly quoted as saying that opening the door for a woman is idolatry. Also that he said, 'why any man would want to be tied to a hank of hair and bones was beyond him.' (paraphrased)
Somewhere he was similarly quoted as saying that opening the door for a woman is idolatry. Also that he said, 'why any man would want to be tied to a hank of hair and bones was beyond him.' (paraphrased) PeacefulPete
Obviously Judge R. was very threatened by women. He sounds like a misogynist. I believe long ago men figured out they could control women by using fear of God. Why would men want to control women? Cheap labor. Legal slavery. Easy sex anytime. Only reasons I can think of why they would do it.
Maybe one other reason: putting one down is a way of elevating oneself. To insult another can be a form of bragging.
So Judge would use women as stepping stones to achieve an end and elevate himself. Sad thing is that he also subjugated men as well. Maybe not to the degree that he subjugated women but they definitely were under his thumb.
I remember my Bible teacher's husband telling my first husband, "Study and get baptized and then she'll have to be in subjection to you." The brother was using headship as a lure. My ex, to his credit, didn't buy it.
The men remove their hats upon entering an elevator, if a woman is present; and these things are said to be acts of respect and to show that man is a gentleman. But it is subtle, and the real meaning is much different from that. It is a scheme of Satan
LMAO! Satan shows greater homage to women than followers of Jehovah!!
I always thought these gestures (removing one's hat, rising from the table) merely showed acknowledgement and honor to the fairer sex.
With Rutherfordians (JW's) however, anything and everything in the world is either pagan or is Satanic.
El blanko
Now to be incredibly unpopular. Whilst not agreeing with the way his thoughts come across entirely, I can see what he is getting at. Women are given special status above and beyond men within Western society. The papers and TV are full of scantily clad nubile young women and men worshipping the ground they walk upon. It is a form of idolatry and places sex at the upper end of most men's personal agenda.
A woman can rule your life and your thoughts when in reality, the woman should encourage the man towards his spiritual goals.
A lot of women I have met have simple material aspirations through the man. Get a man with a high-powered job, get a big house, get a car, have a healthy bank balance etc.
It is true that a lot of men aspire to these values as well, but if women aspired to less than this, would the man be motivated in the same way to support this lifestyle? I do not think so. Some men thrash themselves to death for their families "wants" - working long, long hours just to keep the woman in her place. Just to keep the outward appearance of prosperity alive.
Deny reality if you like
El Blanko.
Woman really do rule the world...we just allow men to think they are in control.
Old Judge Rumpot was a dipshit! I sure would not want to live in a world where there are no women! And showing anyone...man or woman , honor elevates the doer of such acts! It is always a sign of class to treat others with respect. This is one area I always had a problem with the JW's over. Treating women and children as second class and the attitude that some of the brothers would be princes and lording over everyone else in their "new system"! The WTS talk a good game of looking after the interests of their female members but as with everything else in that printing corporation they do so with a "wink"! Maverick
The comment that women were just a stack of bones with a hank of hair was widespread in the organization back then