Ok, i was reading a website the other day about Daniel 4 (the seven times prophecy), and i just want to get the opinion of others here. Because obviously the JW "seven times" is extremely flawed, and i just wanted to see how this sounded to you guys.
Daniel 4
This chapter describes Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the big tree, which grew great and reached unto heaven and was visible to the end of all the earth. The tree was cut down and banded until seven times passed over it. Verse 22 explains that the tree represents Nebuchadnezzar, who was ruling over the earth. Verses 24 through 26 describe the interpretation of the dream by saying that Nebuchadnezzar would be cut down until seven times had passed over him and then his kingdom would be returned to him. The rest of the chapter describes the fulfillment of the prophecy when it came upon Nebuchadnezzar. This information provides us with a model or typical prophecy.
The Model
In the model Nebuchadnezzar was the definite direct object in the account. That definite object took the simple action of being cut down from the subject, God. Thus, God cut down Nebuchadnezzar for a period of seven times. Note that the model describes a specific subject, a definite direct object, and simple action. This prophecy also has a larger fulfillment.
The Larger Fulfillment
It is not uncommon for the scriptures to use earthly kings in describing the activities of Satan the devil: the 28th chapter of Ezekiel provides a very good example. Here in Daniel 4 Nebuchadnezzar represents Satan in the larger application. And since there is no one greater than God, he remains God in the greater application of this account. Thus the larger or antitypical fulfillment describes how God cut down Satan's rule over the earth until seven times passed over him. The larger fulfillment of this prophecy and the larger period of seven times (2520 years) both fit the events described in the previous studies. So in the fulfillment of the larger model we find that Satan had rule over the earth until God interposed in 2492 BCE. Satan's rule was cut down for 2520 years until 29 CE when his kingdom was returned to him. This is the meaning of the antitypical fulfillment of Daniel chapter 4. The seven times applies to the time period from 2492 BCE to 29 CE.
No Model in Scripture Points to 1914
There is nothing in the Bible that provides a model for applying a period of seven times to the years 607 BCE to 1914 CE. The Witnesses, nevertheless, have made up a model of their own, but it does not match the model in Daniel 4. They say that God cut down his own rule in 607 BCE and started it again in 1914 CE. In their model God (subject) cut down his own rule (reflexive action). The model the Witnesses use does not have a definite direct object. The state of the action is different in their model. They use reflexive action in their model. In the model in Daniel 4 God (subject) cut down (simple action) Nebuchadnezzar (definite object) for seven times. The model in Daniel 4 has a definite direct object. In Daniel 4 the object takes the action from the subject. The model in Daniel 4 uses simple action. Applying a period of seven times to 607 - 1914 does not match the model in Daniel 4. The Witnesses have made up their own unscriptural model, which they base on Luke 21:24 because that scripture uses the word times or seasons. They are using a different period of seven times and claiming that that period applies to the antitypical model in Daniel 4. But their model does not match the model in Daniel 4. The times or seasons mentioned in Luke 21:24 applies to the years from 67 CE to 70 CE when Jerusalem was tread upon by the nations and destroyed. They stretch that brief period of 3 and 1/2 years into a model that extends form 607 BCE until 1914 CE!
T he Stretch
In Luke 21, Matthew 24, and Mark 13 Jesus was describing the events that were coming upon Jerusalem within one generation. This was the coming of the Son of man for the destruction of Jerusalem. The Witnesses extend this account into the 20th century by claiming that it fits into their model. They use this same stretching technique when they identify the kings of the North and South in Daniel 11. The stretch is also applied to Daniel 7 and 12. The stretch is again applied to the prophecies in Revelation. They claim that Revelation was written after the destruction of Jerusalem in 96 CE, but the facts show that it was written before the destruction in 64 CE. Many of the prophecies in Revelation apply to the destruction of Jerusalem and that of the city of Rome. By claiming that the Revelation was written after the fall of Jerusalem they wrongly apply the fulfillment of many prophecies to the early 20th century.
With all this stretching the Witnesses have changed the meaning of the fulfillment of many Bible prophesies to suite their own purposes. When the time frame of Bible prophecy is shifted in this manner the result is such that the true objects of the prophecies in question are ignored and false objects are selected in their place. In their manipulation of prophecy the Witnesses often leave the state of the action the same, but they change the identities of the objects so that they take on different identities. All this is the result of applying a period of 2520 years to the wrong time frame. Consequently, their errors have produced many extraneous results, which have resulted in many unscriptural doctrines and raised serious theological problems for their members.
The End Result of the Stretch
The end result of the stretch is that the Witnesses claim there is a remnant of the 144,000 on earth today. Those of the leadership of the society claim to be of this special remaining "priestly" class. By claiming this "special status" they have secured for themselves a rather large following. There is, however, no scriptural reason to assume that there is any remnant of the 144,000 alive in the flesh today, and neither has there been anyone from that class alive on earth for at least the last 19 centuries! The remaining studies will demonstrate the truthfulness of the foregoing statements.
(written by http://members.aol.com/gparrishjr/d4.html)
some of it i found interesting, but it boggles my mind just as much as the JW version. Your thoughts?