My Daughters Babtism6-9-01(my letter to her)

by Big Jim 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    Dear Carley
    I just thought I would give you this card on this very important day to let you know my feelings about your decesion.

    First of all I want you to know that I am very,very, proud that you have made a choice in your life to be a person of good clean moral standards and a person that has a regard for there creator and one that wants to be respected and looked up to. That makes Dad very proud.
    You are probally wondering why I no longer go to meetings with the family and no longer speak of spiritual things. I don't know what Mom has told you are what you may have overheard us talking about so let me give you some closure on the matter.
    The fact is I really believe that JW'S have good intentions and for the most part are good people,also I believe that the years that I was actively involved did help me to be a better person.
    However I have done a whole lot of research and studying and have discovered some things that really bother me and that have raised some questions in my mind. The last thing that I would ever want to do is to burden you with these things because I know you are proud of the stand you have taken and I am proud of you also.
    So I will leave you with this last thought, if you ever have any questions in your mind are you want me to show you what I have found I am here for you and will always be, just ask.

    Keep on being the wonderfull person you are and you will have a great life, I know you are smart and I know your going to always make me a very proud Father.

    Love Always


    Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express.

  • Latte

    Big Jim,

    That was beautiful You certainly left the door wide open, you built her up also......just perfect.


  • AlanF

    Nice letter, BigJim! The soft, quiet approach is best, I think. It arouses curiosity, which will almost certainly beg to be satisfied.

    The approach helped a lot with my own daughter, who at age 14 decided not to be a JW and decided to live with me rather than her braindead JW mother. But I was lucky enough that some extraneous events helped her to actually listen to what I said. Unfortunately, JW/Orwellian programming is so strong that even young children are well able to tune out anything inimical to Ingsoc, so there's a goodly quantity of luck needed to get them out. But it's worth it. My daughter is far happier and better adjusted than she was.


  • WildHorses

    It brought back memories of Watchtower Obeservers daughter. He used to write about her on the H2O forum before his death. I wish I knew how she is doing.

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    The assembly is tomorow and I am dreading having to go there, however I would not want to hurt my daughters feelings,so I will go.

    I will go I told my wife, but I refuse to shave my beard for the ocassion. I cannot wait to see the expression on peoples faces when they see the wonderfull Mr. Ex-MS with a beard.

    Wish me luck (oh no I mean good fortune)ha-ha

  • Prisca

    Big Jim that was beautiful. Your daughter is very lucky (I like to use that word now!!) to have a loving father like you.

  • teejay

    Big Jim,

    >>I have done a whole lot of research and studying and have
    discovered some things that really bother me and that have
    raised some questions in my mind. The last thing that I would
    ever want to do is to burden you with these things because I
    know you are proud of the stand you have taken and I am proud
    of you also.

    beautiful. you were honest, giving her just the tip of the
    iceberg but letting the door stay open so when she has those
    same questions she'll know where to go. at the same time, you
    reaffirmed your love of her and how proud you are. parents,
    especially fathers, can't say "i'm proud of you" too much, imo.

    >>but to our daughters there is something which there are
    no words to express.

    damn. excuse me, but there's something in my eye...

    todd, who has a beautiful daughter of his own

  • ladonna

    Hi Jim,

    The letter to your daughter is beautiful. Full of love, warmth and a tremendous amount of maturity.

    How hard it must have been not to write "please don't do it".

    We are lucky to have people like you in this world with such care for their children.


  • Francois

    Beards? They're still pissing their pants over beards?

    I had one of my best arguments with the JWs about beards in 1975. I would have thought that by now all that would have calmed down. '75 was close in memory to the sixties. But that was over twenty-five years ago.

    And one of the boneheads C.O.s had a mustache!

    Some things never change.

  • LovesDubs

    God that had to be hard to write. What a mix of feelings. I am making as sure as I can that my children do not fall into the trap that I did..that they dont become JWs as their father still is. I dont know what I would do if one of them suddenly up and decided to do it anyway. It would rip me apart. Not sure Id be capable of writing a letter such as this.

    I hope it eventually invites her to ask and share with you. One can only hope.


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