Ok, I am reading through the book the watchtower and the Masons by Fritz Spring Meier which I am finding a fascinating read; and discovered that judge Rutherford published the book 'Cause of death'. What is incredible is the book cover. The book was published in 1932 which would have been a little bit more eye catching back then. Quite incredible. Below is the cover.
Incredible cover of book published in 1932
by Truthexplorer 30 Replies latest watchtower bible
Eve without a belly button!
These days Watchtower artists avoid the belly button issue by covering up the area.
neat blue dog
There was a frontal drawing of eve in the 50s watchtower that's even more 'wow'.
But yes, wow.
As a side point, Watchtower now teaches that the snake didn't have feet, but in 1932 they obviously said differently.
...... " Hey Adam a snake is talking to me ! "
...... " What ! right Eve and I just talked to a squirrel "
...... " No really it talked to me and said that we could eat the fruit from the tree of life "
...... " I don't know Eve, God said that if we ate from that tree that we would die, what does die mean anyways ? "
...... " The snake said we would be like god and know the difference between good and evil, whats evil anyways?"
...... " But its a snake Eve and the only snake in the garden that talks, come on there's gotta be a catch "
...... " Well I'm going to take a bite of the fruit, the snake seems honest and I think he's cute "
...... " Well go ahead but somehow I think this is going to piss him off, I hope he's not around "
I don't recall this book, are we sure it was WT published? or was it a booklet or tract?
Poor eve doesn't have very good boobs....
Love the way they painted a blonde haired, white skinned Aryan maiden there. Herr Goebbels would be proud.
Go on WT, paint a middle eastern Adam and Eve for us. Or even a black Adam and a white eve!
God: You can have all the tree's you want. But dont eat from this one, this is MY tree ok?
Adam: Well why put it there?
God: No, i have to put it here so you can be tempted.
Adam: So you're the tempter?
God: No, the serpent is the tempter.
Adam: So it's the serpents tree?
God: No it's MY tree.
Adam: What is this, an Abbot and Costello routine?
Eve: (munch, munch, munch)
Adam: Aw shit
God: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam: Something tells me this is gonna get out of hand.
"Hey eve! I would make a great dildo!"