Kids and meetings

by Stefanie 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sassy
    Two families switched cong after that scolding.. We sat there with our mouths open and our jaws on the floor..

    Wow !!!!!

    I would've made so much noise getting the hell outta there..........

    I wish I had.. I must admit it was the beginning of my being stumbled. It just wasn't the time I chose to stop. At the time I reminded myself that imperfect men were in this org.

    I remember at one Circuit Assembly when our youngest just had so much trouble sitting through the session. We were up and down with him trying to keep him quiet. I wanted so much to hear one particular talk and tried to keep the toddler still in my lap so I could hear the talk. One of the attendents, (as it turned out, also my ex husbands cousin's husband) came over and asked me to leave the auditorium because we were becoming a distraction. I got up and walked out and went into the bathroom and bawled. I had been trying so very hard to keep the child quiet and wondered why I bothered try to get information from the platform at all.

    I also couldn't help but think, sure your kids are perfect.. here him and his wife were the most boring slow moving people, no wonder their kids sat there like zombies.. My ex had ADD.. and although I am not ADD, I am an active person. How in the world can we expect a child from our genetics to be able to sit still??

    pc, I can't believe he wouldn't move his car.. I would have been so pissed off!

  • shotgun

    We let our girl draw and doodle during the meetings. She is basically a good little girl and pretty well behaved. I never spank her for doing things a 3 or 4yr old would do normally just because she is at a meeting.

    Lately I give her copies of the WT and Awake to draw on and colour, I like that because you can see it drives the ones around us crazy because it's a waste of literature or they consider it disrepectful to the literature.

  • Dawn

    I brought my son books, color crayons, snacks - all kinds of stuff. I refused to make him behave like an adult when he was just a little tyke. Of course - I was bored of my @ss too so I couldn't necessarily get mad at him for being bored.

    I was DF'd when he was only 4 - didn't go back again.

    Now my daughter has been coming with me to church since she was 3 and absolutely loves the sunday school - of course - they cater to children there. And she knows more about the bible than my son ever did.

    I asked my mom once why the JW's don't have sunday schools. She sayd it's because when Moses called the Isrealites together he said to gather them all young and old....... how lame an excuse is that?! So I responded - "And didn't he also tell them all they had to be circumcised? Dad better make an appointment asap!" She didn't know what to say in response - she just told me I was being unreasonable and wouldn't accept anything the society said. Well duh!

  • Stefanie

    I think the assemblies were just plain abuse on everyone. It was like 8 hours of pain for my little ones. I just remember going into the bathroom hearing some "sister" smacking her little one for not sitting still. I wouldnt do that to mine, and it bothered me so much that a child would get a beating for being normal. The WTS dont get it at all. They use the example of bible times and how their kids had to sit through days and days of teaching. We live in different times and IMO that may be a reason why so many of them were "disobedient".

  • Stefanie

    "I asked my mom once why the JW's don't have sunday schools. She sayd it's because when Moses called the Isrealites together he said to gather them all young and old....... how lame an excuse is that?! So I responded - "And didn't he also tell them all they had to be circumcised? Dad better make an appointment asap!" She didn't know what to say in response - she just told me I was being unreasonable and wouldn't accept anything the society said. Well duh!"

    LOL Dawn that is the funniest thing I have read all day!

  • Ghosthunter

    My oldest (now 21) was a PERFECT baby until I took him to the meetings. He would just bawl and bawl and most of the two hours I sat in the bathroom with him trying to calm him down. (Must have been a sign, eh?)

    I was a pretty young mother at the time and I remember a couple of the sisters who were "veteran mothers" telling and SHOWING ME how to smack my SIX MONTH OLD child on the leg when he cried during the meetings!!!!!!

    I've never understood why the dubs had such a problem with "Sunday school" for children. It makes absolutely no sense to expect children to sit through 2 hours of boredom that ADULTS can hardly stand!

  • Stefanie

    I remember one Bitch told me to pinch my son because "it doesnt make any noise"

  • Momofmany

    I used to give the kids a chart with words on it. Like Jesus, God, Jehovah, Love, etc. Each time they heard the word, they put a mark on the page, Who ever got the closest won. I also gave out candy for giving comments, sitting still, ect. They had to wait until the meeting was over to get it. I had the oldest 4 boys sit infront of me so I could tap them on the shoulder to be quiet,(ok, a pointy toe kick in the butt sometimes.) and my daughter and youngest sat beside me. I took crackers and the like and half way thru, I would leave my daughter with my mom and take Jonny in the nursury for snacks. In the old hall, it was b school for snacks. I was told my kids would never stay in the truth if I kept excusing them from sitting there. Guess they were right.

  • Emma

    I remember standing at the very back of an assembly hall auditorium, against the wall, "rocking" a baby in my arms to get it to sleep. An attendent told me to take the baby to the bathroom. I was in no one's view and the the baby wasn't crying. I about gave up at that point.

    I've also been told that little one's are just miniature adults. I never thought to ask if they'd slap another adult.

    I always bought the kids assembly stuff; new markers, notebooks, pencils. After they kept track of how many times they heard Jehovah's name for a few minutes (can you think of anything that would kill curiosity more?) I just let them draw.


  • stillajwexelder

    What do you expect from an organization that protects child abusers?

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