Why are JW talks & publications never uplifting?

by thedepressedsoul 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TTATTelder

    oneeyedjoe - I remember a talk like that from a CO recently. Too bad it's like a drop of water to a starving man in a desert.

    Notice this reference taken from the Pioneer Meeting outline this year:

    w13 8/15 21 par. 12  - 
    12 Shaming an individual by making unfair comparisons with others, criticizing him by setting up rigid standards, or making him feel guilty about not doing more may motivate him to a spurt of activity, but the results are only temporary. On the other hand, giving a fellow believer commendation and appealing to his love for God can have a lasting, positive effect.—Read Phil. 2:1-4

    This was a reference in the outline to instruct pioneers on not comparing one publisher with another in a section about being encouraging.

    Too bad the WT doesn't listen to its own advice.


  • OneEyedJoe

    Yeah, they definitely speak out of both sides of their mouth.  But when you compare the frequency of their words, you get what they're really saying.  Like in another thread I commented on the fact that they definitely have articles about not judging others, etc, etc.  The problem is that every other week theres an article about bad association and how do you determine bad association?  Well you have to make a judgement...

    They pay lip service to up building things, but it's overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the beat-down guilt-trip.

  • andrekish

    I keep saying this flippantly but it is true - 'What a Tutting of Christians there are in this world at times.'  But they mean us well in their hearts, so that's nice actually.

    Is there no-where in the organisation where group discussion is available? 

    Some of Jehovah's Witnesses, fellow humans, gave me a Bible study a few years ago then got the hump and that was that.  Hmmm.  Puzzling for a group with so much detailed research into the Bible and such a supposedly vital message in their hands.

    I noticed at the meetings I attended, when they were actually talking to me still, that if the subject matter dictated there was boring, I was in trouble.  Raised eyebrows from some of the Nans as I shifted in my chair and suppressed the odd giggle.  My downfall is my sense of humour, can't help it,I'm afraid. Life is far too short to be a misery guts.  But...

    It seemed I was on hallowed ground.  The hall had taken four days to put together, so there.  When I asked what the hurry was they just glared at me. Some of the things they said made me think 'Hang on a minute, what are you on about?  What is coming from your mouths is very sad. even though your message is good news if true.  Are all you concerned with is Tutting in what you say and read?'  Not all meetings were like that but enough to make me concerned. 

    If God made man to enjoy life then why are you who are Witnesses suppressing your sense of humour?  'Coz looking at some of the old moaners I've met among you, I think God's in for a right old Tutting at when and if we see Him.  And looking at all us mad humans on this planet I do think God may have need of a sense of humour if we turn up on His doorstep and start singing at Him just to show how much we love Him.  In 67 different languages simultaneously.

    Perhaps this is why many meetings are boring - they are dictations rather than discussions or appeals to the bright side.  I wonder how many times the words 'chapter' and 'verse' get uttered on a Sunday.  Add all that time together, they get repeated over and over. All those 'chapters' and 'verse' are distracting from the story.  By the time I'd find a page the story has moved on.  They teach the already converted rather than the newcomer.  Older folk read more from books than younger kids do.  Maybe time for a complete meeting overhaul would help.  Replace the books with iPads, maybe.  They don't come across as to be looking on the bright side, do they?

    Has any meeting ever asked the folks in a meeting to get their tablets out?  I'd be curious to see what age group get what out compared to who is in charge.  Do remember that among those attending any meeting the vast majority of medication and therefore potentially mind altering substances could well be in the pockets of your oldest and wisest elders.

    Maybe the meeting ain't boring for them 'coz they're already medicated, thanks, and thus already away with the fairies?  They are simply waiting for you to catch up. 

    There can be few things in life more boring than watching a drunk or a medicated tutter.

    This is possibly the most accurate answer you may get.


    Have you ever known an individual who could NEVER compliment you without a caveat? ( think that's the right word ) Those people are ABUSERS. 

    Why do they do this? For the same reason that I used to do it. Insecurity, feelings of self-loathing, narcissism to a degree. I was taught to be abusive by the WTBTS. When I noticed that trend in myself and realized that to progress "spiritually" I had to abuse, I lost all desire to "reach out."  

    Now REALLY think about this. What kind of people gravitate towards apocalyptic religions and gain prominence? People who are ABUSERS.

    The GB are not good enough for GOD, but they are better than you. You MIGHT make it, they are a shoe-in. They cannot be the "evil slave", it's hypothetical. YOU cannot be holy unless you obey THEM. 




  • Trailer Park Pioneer
    Trailer Park Pioneer

    Last Sunday's speaker said "The ungodly believe in evolution, their not every smart". next "the wicked people will soon meet their end, their not very smart."  While Jehovah's people are busy in his educated work, "worldly simpletons are busy spending all their time building up bank accounts and houses that Jehovah is going to destroy, their not very smart!"

    His entire talk was based on coveting, envy, fear, greed and name-calling all non-JWs as 'not very smart and stupid!".  That's your answer, they can't handle the Bible and regurgitate the same Prehistoric Outlines that need to dry up and blow away!

  • stuckinarut2

    Recipe for making a witness: 

    Take one Witness and add bucket loads of:





    Stir the pot with comments like: You are not worthy, you are not to have self esteem, you are not to do anything for yourself etc... 

    That is the very essence of JW's

    Then add a dash of cultish songs to hypnotise and lull the emotions. 

    Bake for a lifetime...serve on a hotplate of burden. 

  • jhine

    To answer some of the questions , no all religions are not like that .In my church sermons are Bible based and do include lessons that can be learnt ,the Bible is for instruction , but always in an uplifting and encouraging way .We should build up not tear down .

    Most churches have study groups where discussion is encouraged .I attend one such group and we can all bring different points to the table and be ourselves . 

    Why not really be adventurous and just one Sunday sneak into a church service , probably a Catholic one would not be a good idea , nothing against them but a bit too much of a culture shock . Go on , everyone should once before they die taste the difference and push their boundaries .         Jan

  • Xanthippe
    My father-in-law's only rebuttal was that "we were getting a window into what it's like a bethel - it's a whole different world and they have to set higher standards so that the world can't pick out any flaws."  Even when I emphasize that they had an unprecedented opportunity to build up 1 million JWs all at once, and they squandered it he sticks to this.  Basically it was a privilege for us to get to see more of them and they shouldn't have to change anything for us. -OneEyedJoe

    They have this whole celebrity thing going on with the GB now don't they? I don't remember it being like this when I was in. They think they're so different from the world, but they just have different celebrities.

  • kaik

    Problem with WT and its membership, it is a totalitarian organization. As such, it needs to feed itself on fear and guilt of the people to survive and to control. All hard coded totalitarian regimes works on the same principles, let's be Nazi Germany, Stalin USSR, communist states, or Jacobin's I. French Republic. Such system works on denunciation and suppression of individuality. This is done by erasing anyone uniqueness, by collective infusion of guilt. It is like Robespierre standing at the Convention in 1794 shrieking that anyone who is not a model citizen and patriot is a traitor deserving guillotine; but refusing name names, he infused fear in everyone with doubts that they are indeed traitors.

    So you have book study, some public speaking, WT analysis, and the premises are the same. There are people who are "traitors" in their mind and hearts by doubting what FDS had said, and if they are doubtful than they will die in "imminent" Armageddon. People are doubting their action, thinking, and attitudes with each study and try to comply to the model role in order to survive. They do not want to end up like opposition of Robespierre that was chopping heads in hundreds a week.

  • Vidiot

    thedepressedsoul - "Why are JW talks & publications never uplifting?"

    They're not meant to be.

    They're meant to reinforce the WT heirarchy's authority.

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