I'm debating with a veteran JW regarding asking for money:
His response
356.9 in reply to 356.7
Vanderhoven said...
1. Do you deny that your organization appeals to its membership for money just like the churches of Christendom?
Nothing to deny....
How Is Our Worldwide Work Financed?
Our organization publishes and distributes hundreds of millions of Bibles and other publications every year without charge. We build and maintain Kingdom Halls and branch offices. We support thousands of Bethelites and missionaries, and we provide relief aid in times of disaster. So you may wonder, ‘How is all of this financed?’
We do not tithe, charge dues, or take up collections. Although the costs of supporting our evangelizing work are high, we do not solicit money. Over a century ago, the second issue of the Watchtower magazine stated that we believe we have Jehovah as our backer and that we “will never beg nor petition men for support”—and we never have!—Matthew 10:8.
Our activities are supported by voluntary donations. Many people appreciate our Bible educational work and donate toward it. The Witnesses themselves happily contribute their time, energy, funds, and other resources to the doing of God’s will in all the earth. (1 Chronicles 29:9) At the Kingdom Hall and at our assemblies and conventions, there are contribution boxes where those who wish to make donations may do so. Or donations can be made through our website, jw.org. For the most part, the moneys received come from those of modest means, much like the needy widow Jesus spoke so well of who put two small coins into the temple treasury chest. (Luke 21:1-4) Thus anyone can regularly “set something aside” to give “just as he has resolved in his heart.”—1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:7.
We are convinced that Jehovah will continue to move the hearts of those who want to ‘honor him with their valuable things’ in support of the Kingdom work, so that his will may be accomplished.—Proverbs 3:9.
Where does the money go?
Donations for Local Congregation Expenses are used to care for expenses incurred by the congregation and to return money that the branch office gave it to assist in building or renovating the Kingdom Hall.
Donations for the Worldwide Work are sent to the branch office to care for its expenses, and any surplus is used to care for needs in other lands
much Christian love