There is much speculation about our perfect life ahead. A big way JW's are wrong is they do not allow for the human need to specualte on this life ahead. Except for Governing Body, no one else can speculate. But these are my thoughts that I do share with certain open minded elders.
We know many thinggs such as animals will continue to die after they grow old or drown. Over time some animals may become extinct (for example the sea creatuures if the oceans dry up making more land available for resurrected ones).
Last night I watched the movie Martian where Matt Daemon is stuck on mars and must grow potatoes. It was a good movie and made me think about the future ahead. We know we will soon have big perfect bodies and very high IQ brains. It appears we may also be given super powers like those demonstrated in the bible such as:
The power to control bears.
To call fire from heaven and consume a sacrafice.
Talking to the animals like Balaam and his wise donkey.
To calm a hurricane.
To stop the sun and create daylight savings.
Walk on top of the water.
Heal the broken ears (like jesus to the roman soldier).
Turn water into the best red wine.
Part the waters of the sea.
Kill a bad tree by cursing it!
Turn your walking stick into a powerful snake.
Cause a plague of frogs.
Levitation and invisibility like Elija and Jesus.
Reading people's thoughts (telepathy).
Prophetic visions of the future .
These extra powers and many others will be amazing when we are to colonise other worlds.
I imagine there will be the equivalent of Noah's Ark going to seed other planets in our image. Such good times