Blondie's Comments on the 11-8-2015 WT Study

by blondie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    BLONDIE’S highlights FROM the 11-08-2015 WT Study (JULY 15, 2015)


    Bible translations

    WT publications (old) (new)

    WT child abuse

    Blood issue

    United Nations

    Also posted on

    What is free will?

    Not as simplistic as the WTS makes it…

    or one of your own

    What is conscience?


    JEHOVAH GOD created humans with free will, that is, the liberty

    to choose between one option and another. God provided

    a valuable guide for the first man and woman and their future

    offspring—the conscience, an inner sense of right and


    Based on this scripture do humans really have free will and a conscience?

    (Jeremiah 10:23) 23 I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.


    What about the deeds of extreme wickedness of pedophilia and hiding it that exist in the WTS?


    What did Israelites do with God’s approval?

    Making single women marry their rapist, have their father accept money from the rapist, never be able to divorce their rapist, but allow the rapist to have many other wives.

    Israelite soldiers killing every non-Israelite human, men, women, children, babes in arms and in the wombs (abortion?).

    Children paying for the sins of their parents. What baby could exercise free will?

    (Exodus 20:5) 5 You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation. . .

    (Deuteronomy 20:15, 16) . . .. 16 It is only of the cities of these peoples that Jehovah your God is giving you as an inheritance that you must not preserve any breathing thing alive,

    PARAGRAPH 4 and 5

    How can you train a conscience when 1) the WTS is always changing its teachings 2) that it is not just your own conscience that matters for the conscience of some unknown individual?

    PARAGRAPH 6-10

    The real issue: (note not Christian but “servant of Jehovah”) but if choose to have a transfusion you are disassociating yourself (new policy)

    In some lands, both conventional medicine

    and a range of alternative therapies

    are available. Branch offices regularly

    receive letters from brothers and sisters

    who are considering one form of

    treatment or another. Many ask, “Can a

    servant of Jehovah accept such treatment?”

    Neither a branch office nor the local

    congregation elders are authorized to

    make health-care decisions for aWitness,

    even if he asks what to do. (Gal. 6:5)

    They can, of course, call attention to

    what Jehovah has said that may have a

    bearing on the decision. For example, a

    Christian needs to remember the Biblical

    command “to keep abstaining from

    . . . blood.”

    (and somewhere in the bible it discusses blood fractions)

    That would clearly rule out medical treatments that

    involve taking in whole blood or any of

    its four major components. This knowledge

    could even influence a Christian’s

    conscience when he makes a personal decision

    regarding minor fractions derived

    from one of those four components._

    (alternative treatments)

    For some illnesses,

    there may be no known cure. So it is

    wise to be cautious when it comes to

    treatments that feature stunning claims

    but that are promoted merely with hearsay


    so much time to health care that spiritual

    matters are forced into the background.

    Were we to allow health care to become

    the main focus of our life, we would

    run the risk of becoming self-centered.

    (yes you should be willing to go door to door and be seriously ill)

    (I have see the following happen; I was told if I did not buy Herbalife from a couple that I did not really want to pioneer)

    A Christian who is reasonable does

    not impose his views on others. In one

    European land, a married couple were

    zealously advocating certain food supplements

    and a diet. They persuaded

    some brothers to use the supplements,

    but others chose not to. In time, the results

    fell short of expectations, and there

    was widespread resentment. The couple

    had a right to choose for themselves

    whether they would follow a certain diet…

    If we cannot understand the conscientious

    decision of a fellow believer on

    some personal matter, we should not

    quickly judge him


    But not every pastime is beneficial, relaxing, or

    refreshing; nor is it good to engage in recreation

    too much or too often.

    Accordingly, we can ask ourselves: ‘Does

    my conscience move me to shun sports

    that are aggressive, competitive, nationalistic,

    or violent? Does my inner voice

    warn me when I am tempted to view a

    film that features pornographic scenes or

    one that condones immorality, drunkenness,

    or spiritism?’

    (Then can a jw in good conscience take their children to movies like the Little Mermaid (witchcraft) or Frozen when the main character turns everything she touches to ice?

    Many have concluded

    that a measure of regular exercise

    promotes good health and refreshes the

    body and mind. If we want to enjoy exercise

    in a group, should we share in it

    with just anyone? ( exercise clubs)

    (no all jws are good association)

    Who can be considered

    good association? One of our daughters

    complained that during recess at her

    school, some Witness youths behave in a

    way that she thought was not proper. And

    she felt under pressure to behave in the

    same way. We reasoned that each of us

    has a conscience, and we ought to be

    guided by it in choosing what we do and

    with whom.”—

    Do you plan recreation

    around theocratic activities, such

    as meetings, field ministry, and personal

    study? Or do you find yourself trying to

    fit theocratic activities between periods

    of leisure?

    PARAGRAPHS 16-18 GOOD WORKS” Not food etc

    Foremost among these good works is our participation

    in the ministry from house to house

    and our taking advantage of opportunities

    to witness informally.

    (I wonder if the following person corrects people’s view of history and the future)

    When Jacqueline was 16 years old,

    she studied biology in school. The theory

    of evolution was explained in some detail.

    “My conscience would not let me

    share as fully in class discussions as I normally

    did. I could not support the theory

    of evolution. I approached the teacher

    and explained my position.

    (Have you noticed that 5 or more times the WTS does gives examples of individual jws (first name only)?

    Love, Blondie

  • DesirousOfChange

    Thanks, Blondie.

    Now if mom questions me about the WT study today, I can sound informed.


  • prologos

    re evolution: “My conscience would not let me

    share as fully in class discussions as I normally do"

    yeah, my mind is closed and will remain that way. I am going to wt university. Jacqueline, jolie Jacqueline.

    Many have concluded

    that a measure of regular exercise

    promotes good health and refreshes the

    body and mind. If we want to enjoy exercise

    in a group, should we share in it

    with just anyone? ( exercise clubs) , watching all those bodies in tight pants, low tops tony's spandex?

  • The Marvster
    The Marvster

    JEHOVAH GOD created humans with free will, that is, the liberty

    to choose between one option and another. God provided

    a valuable guide for the first man and woman and their future

    offspring—the conscience, an inner sense of right and


    It's things like this that once I started to 'think' about what's in the bible and taught by the dubs, I started thinking WTF??

    So god creates free will, but supplied a conscience so that people could distinguish between right and wrong... to me that says, god KNEW that free will could potentially end in a total fuckup with man and woman making the WRONG decisions.... the system was not fool proof, and seems like a design fault

    also if god 'GAVE them a guide, i.e. a CONSCIENCE', did they really have any free will? because surely the conscience was tailored by him, so any reaction they had to good or bad, how could it have been their own? was it not a reaction created by the conscience put into them.... they were never allowed to think for themselves in the first place so how is that free will?

    and then why the heck did god create an existence where 'evil', bad, sin etc existed, only then having to put a conscience into humans to help them avoid that course? huh? why not just avoid the whole sin issue in the first place and design a fool proof system???? WTF... it's almost like he did it on purpose... didn't he trust his own work? WTF???

  • The Marvster
    The Marvster

    by the way, thanks for posting Blondie..

    I can see how one could easily get consumed by just about every wacko idea within the pages of the WT, you must have pretty damn good self-control to not spend hours and hours taking every little bit of nonsense apart....

  • OneFingerSalute
    One of our daughters complained that during recess at her school, some Witness youths behave in a way that she thought was not proper.

    This statement caught my eye also. Recess implies a pretty young child, and as such what business did SHE have judging other youths behavior? She is being taught well by her critical parents to use "conscience" as a club to beat her fellow youths with.

    “My conscience would not let me share as fully in class discussions as I normally did. I could not support the theory of evolution."

    Apples and oranges. Sharing in class discussion does not equate to support. Many years ago when OFS was in school students were encouraged to discuss subjects from both sides of the issue. Why couldn't this (fictional?) student have done just that?

    This WT was messed up on many levels, wasn't it?


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Growing up and being raised in the Borg has to be one of the most troubling & confusing time for a young person/adolescent. You keep hearing both sides of the Borg's mouth and when school time comes you are supposed to share your thoughts. Confusing!! To say the least. I mean what are you supposed to believe in? You see so many double standards.
  • Divergent
    Have you noticed that 5 or more times the WTS does gives examples of individual jws (first name only)?

    Hey, it's better than what they used to do. Remember when they used fake names with an asterisk besides & with a statement below saying: "*This person's name has been changed"?

  • sloppyjoe2
    How did got put a conscience in the humans but no knowledge of good and bad? It wasn't until they ate from the tree that a conscience would have even kicked in.
  • mynameislame
    I found it interesting that they are talking about training your conscience but none of the scriptures they used seem to back this up. What would be the point of a conscience if it needed to be trained?

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